Stop smoking: you can do it!


There are many good reasons to quit smoking. The most important thing is the decision to really do it this time. The best way to finally stop, you see in the video above!

When is the best time for the smoke withdrawal?

At any time, if you have actually made the firm decision. Ideal are a few days off without everyday hectic. An exhausting project or acute relationship stress are stressful circumstances that make it difficult to persevere.

Then it may make sense to postpone the start of non-smoker life – but in no case for months! If you constantly find reasons to keep waiting, you should urgently check your motivation.

Why is the “dot-close” method so successful?

Each cigarette raises the nicotine level in the body again. The risk of falling back into old smoking habits is much greater than with the complete smoking cessation. Say goodbye to the illusion of ever becoming a pleasure smoker! Even “light” smoking is no alternative – you only inhale deeper. The best chance to become a non-smoker is to stop!

What do nicotine patches bring?

They can – just like nicotine gum – help those who suffer from physical withdrawal symptoms. Most of the time, nicotine withdrawal is not the only problem you face when stopping smoking. The decisive factor for success is how the mental dependency is managed.

Does it make sense to attend a non-smoking course?

For many, support in the group is very helpful. In addition, courses often combine different exit methods, which increases the chances of success.

Important: the qualification of the course management. If the course is recognized and subsidized by health insurance companies as a preventive measure, this is a good indication. Those who prefer anonymously or only sporadically seek help, find the phone consultations and in Internet forums.

Do hypnosis and acupuncture help to quit smoking?

With hypnosis and behavioral therapy, 50 to 80 percent of ex-smokers remain abstinent in the long run, according to studies. Important: a serious, qualified user. Less well documented are the effects of acupuncture on smoking cessation. For the most part, permanent needles are placed in the ear for a period of two weeks in the three addiction points.

Are medications recommended?

The only drug without nicotine that can be prescribed for weaning is so far an antidepressant with the active ingredient bupropion (Zyban) .

Among other things, because of the increased risk of seizures and psychotic symptoms his use for smoking cessation is controversial and should be considered only in severe cases, under strict medical supervision. The success rate is comparatively low: 20 to 30 percent of the study subjects were still smoke-free after one year.

What to do if the partner continues to use?

Ask for consideration and arrange with him that he does not smoke in the apartment and does not leave cigarettes lying around. Consecrate your partner in the 30-minute rule (no spontaneous grasp to the cigarette, but wait in doubt half an hour first), and tells him how he can help you otherwise in critical situations.

What to do if you relapse?

Pull the brake as fast as possible. Do not blame yourself and start again. From time to smoke a “pleasure cigarette” – that does not work. Learn from your relapse: What can you change to avoid getting a cigarette? That’s how it works on the next attempt.

Will I be as healthy as a lifelong non-smoker?

After a while yes. The heart attack risk is halved after only one year of smoking cessation. After ten years, the risk of getting lung cancer is no higher than in people who have never smoked.

And after 15 years, the risk of cardiovascular disease is as if you’ve never used a cigarette.