Storm of Love: Filming stopped due to corona virus!


Corona alarm also at the Fürstenhof

The corona virus keeps the world in suspense – also the world of our favorite telenovela? After we were all called upon to avoid contacts and keep our distance because of the virus, many fans are now worried about their favorite series. Is there now a threat to a production stop for this important reason?

We asked about the production – and in fact filming has now been stopped! The entire production takes a break. The cast should not rotate for at least two weeks. This break would have been in a few weeks anyway.

"Although there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 on the set of" Sturm der Liebe "so far, we decided in close consultation with the broadcaster to bring the production break forward," says Bea Schmidt, producer "Sturm der Liebe". "The safety and health of our crew in front of and behind the camera is our top priority. If we have to take any further measures, we will do it together with the broadcaster. This is an unprecedented challenge for our production, too, which we only can cope together. "

Matthias Körnich, WDR editorial team, does not yet see any effects on the broadcast: "Each episode of" Sturm der Liebe "is produced with a lead time of around 8 weeks. That means: The stories that are currently shown on television have been two months previously shot. During the production break, the new stories are already being worked on. "

We keep our fingers crossed for the actors, authors, cameramen and the entire production!

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March 16, 2020

Big concern: does Nadja lose her baby?

Fans of the ARD telenovela "Sturm der Liebe" are used to suffering and drama – but this picture really worries us: What happens to Nadja's baby?

We see serial beast Nadja (played by Anna Lena Class), who is cringing in pain, holding on to a chest of drawers in her last strength, her eyes speak of pure despair. What happens to her

The anxious question: does Nadja indicate a miscarriage? Does she really lose her baby? The picture comes from an episode that is scheduled to air in early April – so fans still have to be patient until they know what is happening and how things will go for Nadja.

Storm of Love – Facts and Figures

  • Sturm der Liebe is a German love telenovela in the "first".

  • It was broadcast for the first time on September 26, 2005.

  • Among others, actors like Christin Balogh, Melanie Wiegmann and Dirk Galuba play along.

Source used: ARD