Stranger Things: Netflix launches its very first collection of NFTs!

Many companies have decided to launch NFTs over the past few months. This is now the case with Netflix, which has just launched its first collection of NFTs dedicated to Stranger Things, in collaboration with the digital collection company Candy Entertainment.

Credits: Netflix & Candy Entertainment

As you know, many companies have entered the NFT market, these unique non-fungible tokens, digitized and registered on the Blockchain. DC Comics, for example, has launched its own NFT sales platform with several Batman collections, or eBay with its NFT collection dedicated to athletes.

The first tweet in history was sold at a hefty price, for just over $2.9 billion. Moreover, its current owner is now at an impasse… since its value is around 29 euros.

However, we learn this Thursday, July 14 that Netflix in turn launches into the NFT market, in collaboration with the company specializing in digital collections Candy Entertainment. Indeed, the number one streaming platform launches today a collection of NFTs dedicated to Stranger Thingsits flagship series, called “The Upside Down Series”.

nft stranger things

Netflix launches a collection of special Stranger Things NFTs

These are 17 limited edition posters of your favorite Stranger Things characters, all sold in a mystery box (meaning you won’t know which poster you’ll get until you open the mystery box) for $11 each ”, specifies Candy in an official blog post.

In addition and for the completists among you, the company also offers 99 Hellfire Club Packs (referring to Eddie, Mike, Lucas and Dustin’s D&D club mentioned in Season 4 of Stranger Things) at $275 each, which will include theare 17 posters of the different characters of the series. In total, Candy Entertainment will put on sale 11,111 posters.

In France, sales will start at 8 p.m. and will end at 5 p.m. July 20 (if all of the stocks have not been sold out before). Unsurprisingly, the quantities available vary for each character. Thus, Mike, Lucas, Hopper, Joyce, Max, Steve and Eddie will have 748 dedicated NFTs, against 613 for Will, Jonathan, Argyle, Murray or even Robin and Nancy. To obtain an NFT from Eleven, the central character of the show played by Millie Bobby Brown, we will have to cross our fingers since only 223 NFTs will be available.

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