Stranger Things: this character from season 4 that Internet users hate

The first volume of Stranger Things Season 4 introduces several new characters, not all of whom have entered the hearts of fans. A newcomer, in particular, has drawn the wrath of Internet users.

SPOILERS – Warning, the article below reveals potential spoilers. If you don’t want to know the content, please don’t read the following…

Available on Netflix since May 27, the first seven episodes of the fourth season of Stranger Things contain several new characters. If some were quickly adopted by the fans, others were quick to be hated. This is particularly the case of Angela, played by Elodie Grace Orkin, a classmate of Eleven and Will in their new high school.

Season 4 of the phenomenon series begins in fact while the Byers and the character of Millie Bobby Brown have been living for several months in California where the young heroine is struggling to make friends. Worse, she is downright harassed by her comrades and more particularly by the plague Angela who takes pleasure in humiliating her regularly.

Sequences that did not fail to react on Twitter:

Internet users even celebrated the moment when Eleven rebels against the high school student, in a fit of violence:

Ok, call me brutal and sadistic… But the scene where El gives back to Angela by using a roller skate as a weapon is really satisfying! It was also a good way to recall his past incident in the lab.

I totally defend what El did to Angela on the skate rink. FULL SUPPORT.

[Ce qui arrive à] Angela in Stranger Things is the only act of violence against a person that I approve of.

Season 4 of Stranger Things returns on July 1 on Netflix.

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