Strasbourg: the emergency room of the New Civil Hospital saturated, the patients treated in the parking lot

Mélina Facchin (in Strasbourg) / Photo credit: SEBASTIEN BOZON / AFP

The emergency services of many hospitals are saturated almost everywhere in France. At the New Civil Hospital in Strasbourg, some patients are sometimes forced to seek treatment in ambulances, in the parking lot of the establishment, for lack of a bed. Videos taken by trade unionists at the beginning of the month bear witness to this.

Emergencies face a lack of resources and staff. At the New Civil Hospital in Strasbourg, some patients are sometimes forced to seek treatment in ambulances in the parking lot of the establishment. A ludicrous situation.

“I find it unacceptable”

This afternoon, two ambulances are waiting in the hospital parking lot, in full sun, engine running so that the air conditioning turns on. Inside one of the vehicles, Huguette, 93 years old. “I’ve been waiting to get into the building for half an hour, three quarters of an hour… I have a stomach ache,” she testifies painfully. “Unfortunately, we often have waiting times that are more or less long,” continues Alan, his paramedic.

“Up to sometimes six, seven, even eight hours on certain days. In certain situations, nurses are forced to come in the ambulance to infuse, to relieve, while waiting to find a place. I find that unacceptable. “

“We have 60 patients for 30 places”

Since the Covid, the occupancy rate of emergencies has continued to increase, regrets Gilles Thiam, Force Ouvrière union representative. “Today, we are at a minimum of 100% every day. But on average, we are more around 130 to 140% on a daily basis. We have had peaks of up to 207%, which means say that we have 60 patients for 30 places”, he says.

An “inconceivable” situation for caregivers “at the end of their rope”, he says. Contacted, the management of the hospital did not wish to speak.

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