“Strategic compass” for the EU – EU adopts new security concept with intervention force – News


Reorientation of the EU: More money for defense and a rapid 5000-strong reaction force by 2025.

The EU foreign ministers and the EU defense ministers agreed on Monday evening to realign European security policy. The war in Ukraine had an accelerating effect.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the new European defense strategy was not a reaction to the war in Ukraine. However, the war in Ukraine has created completely new conditions and finally brought insight and consensus in the European Union that it is high time for more commitment – also in foreign and defense policy.

New strategy «at the right time»

Somewhat credulous, some say a little naively and, above all, too little binding – these have been the defining characteristics of a vague security policy concept of the EU so far. In the future, the EU wants to become more capable of acting in military matters.


Against the background of the Ukraine war, the EU receives a new military intervention force. The association with up to 5,000 soldiers is part of the European Union’s new “security policy compass”.

key stone

The basis is a nearly 50-page strategy that has been negotiated for two years. It comes at just the right time, explains Josep Borrell: All EU citizens now understand why such a strategy is needed so that the EU can keep its promise to guarantee its population more security.

The Response Team

The figurehead of the new strategy is the rapid reaction force. These have been around for years. But now it should be upgraded so that it can be used. However, the new defense and security strategy is much more fundamental. It is intended to become a binding instrument for the 27 EU states to work together more effectively on military issues and to arm their national armies in a targeted manner.

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