Strawberry Full Moon on June 22nd: 3 zodiac signs expect profound insights

Full moon horoscope on June 22nd
The Capricorn full moon gives profound insights to 3 zodiac signs

In the video we reveal which three zodiac signs will particularly benefit from the strawberry full moon.

This week we can expect exciting astrological events, which will culminate in the full moon on June 22nd. You can read here which star signs will particularly benefit from this.

On June 22nd at 3:07 am the moon will shine in the night sky again. This magnificent sight is presented to us once per lunar cycle, namely when the sun and moon are in a perfect line as seen from the earth, so that the moon is completely illuminated by the sun. This time the moon, also known as the strawberry moon, is in the earth sign of Capricorn and as the first full moon of the summer its energies are particularly powerful.

The name Strawberry Moon comes from the Native Americans, the Algonquins, who used the stars to track the course of the year. They used the term “Strawberry Moon” because it was the time when strawberries ripened and were harvested. In this country, the terms “Rose Moon” or “Honey Moon” are also common.

Strawberry Moon: How the zodiac signs can use its magic

The June moon, which this time lights up the sky shortly after the summer solstice, invites us to initiate significant changes in our lives. At the same time, it gives us the strength to take the necessary responsibility for our own well-being and to finally tackle things in order to bring about positive changes. We can let go of everything that burdens us in order to climb the next stage free and move towards a contented, happy future. The perfect starting point to leave everything bad behind and start anew.

Personal Transformation

Whether in love, at work or in internal processes – the full moon on June 22nd is there to help us with our very personal transformation. What can go, what should change? Now you can use the powerful energies of the strawberry moon to grow and follow your inner voice, to break free from what is still holding you back from reaching your full power and from within yourself to create wonderful, new things.

3 zodiac signs feel the power of the moon particularly strongly


The full moon in Capricorn shows Cancer clearly whether you have chosen the right person for your relationship. You can now see clearly whether the person you are in a relationship is by your side with all their heart or whether his or her feelings are more lukewarm. If the latter is the case, now may be the time to let go and give your (relationship) life a new direction that might make you happier.


Envy, resentment, fear and anger – do you know these feelings and do they accompany you? Scorpios are particularly deep and highly emotional signs of the zodiac who sometimes get caught up in their feelings and cannot free themselves from these entanglements. But you can do this now with the help of the full moon energies, which create space for healing and transformation. Because before we are ready for something new, we must first free ourselves of the old. But then many things will feel much easier for you.


The full moon in your own sign has a particularly strong effect on Capricorn. It’s a good time to take stock: which of your goals have you been able to achieve in the last six months and which visions should be fulfilled in the coming months. The June full moon gives you clarity and foresight to make your dreams come true and free yourself from self-doubt and old fears that may have prevented you from fully developing. Now you can really get started.

Sources:, Brigitte Horoskop


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