Stray: 8 useless but cute things to do with the cat

The video game stray is packed with cute interactions to make the hero, a cat, even cuter. Here are the ones we picked.

The video game stray, available since July 19, 2022 on PS4, PS5 and PC, owes a lot to its atypical hero. We embody a cute cat, lost in a city with a cyberpunk atmosphere. The object of the game is to get out of it, by exploring every nook and cranny. But there are also several pointless interactions that take advantage of the opportunity to play as a cat.

Passionate about animals, BlueTwelve Studio truly pays homage to cats, recreating many of the moments you’ve probably witnessed in real life. As we are also passionate, we offer you a small anthology of all these cute things to do in Stray.

You too, waste time doing nothing in stray

1 — Meow, all the time

In stray, the cat can meow at will. The developers have actually thought of integrating a button (round on PS4 or PS5) to make the furry hero speak at any time (even during cutscenes!). Better still, they have simply imagined several sounds to vary the pleasures. If you meow 100 times during your adventure, you will unlock a Trophy. Come on, all in chorus: miaouuuuu.

2 — Make your claws

Can a cat live without scratching and destroy everything in its path ? Not that of stray, in any case. A tree (whose bark is an ideal surface), a piece of sofa, a rug, a door… There are many opportunities to scratch stray. It often doesn’t help, but there is an undeniable sense of satisfaction in seeing the cat get frantically angry. Note that the DualSense’s adaptive triggers are exploited to offer a small resistance when pressed. We believe it.

As for the meow, you can obtain a Trophy by doing your claws in absolutely all the chapters of the game.

3 — Dropping stuff

You have a cat ? You have already seen him take malicious pleasure in pushing, very gently, with the tip of his paw, often nonchalantly, an object placed near a ledge. With always the same result: a fall. This unexplained phenomenon, which makes the cat even more Machiavellian, is perfectly transcribed in stray. So don’t be afraid to take a little ‘nonsense’ break when you can.


4 — Walking on a computer (or a piano)

When you own a cat, you end up admitting that you no longer live with us, but with him. The space belongs to him 100%, which authorizes him to walk absolutely everywhere – including on the keys of your computer keyboard (which could send incomprehensible messages to your contacts). In stray, it also works on a piano. As soon as there are keys and they produce stuff, it’s necessarily funny.


5 — Sleep

Yes, you can put the cat to sleep. Sleeping for an hour will earn you an extra Trophy. Fortunately, the developers didn’t want to push the realism too far, otherwise you would have had to sleep 20 hours…

Stray // Source: Capture PS5

6 — Change TV channels

Curious by nature, the cat sometimes likes to interact with objects that intrigue him. In stray, you may find a remote control near a working TV. Of course, the cat will be able to change the channels by pressing – anyhow – on the buttons. Spoiler: yet another Trophy is at stake.

Stray_GIF_remote control

7 — Putting a bag over your head

As we said above, a cat knows how to be curious. But sometimes it backfires. In stray, you can slip your head into a paper bag and, as a result, find yourself in a hilarious situation. Where the cat no longer knows how to get out of it and where, for the player or the player, the orders are reversed. Is there an associated Trophy? We leave you the pleasure of discovery.


8 — Rubbing against the legs (while purring)

Admit that you love it when your cat rubs against you, at your ankle (in reality, it deposits its scent for you to mark). We can do it in stray, on some robot inhabitants. Their reaction is chewable: their face-screen displays a heart – a sign that they appreciate the gesture of the feline.

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