Strengthen the immune system • These homeopathic remedies help

Healthy through the flu season: In the cold season, the body is particularly susceptible to flu infections and colds. A strong immune system is essential to protect against disease. Homeopathy offers many means to strengthen the immune system.

The immune system is a functional system for defense against foreign substances and germs. If bacteria, viruses and fungi get into the body, the immune system recognizes them and fends off harmful pathogens.

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Strengthen the immune system with homeopathy: These remedies support the body's defenses

The body is permanently exposed to germs – the immune system has to decide in each case whether an exogenous substance is harmful to the organism and, in the case of a pathogen, take action to fight it off. The stronger the immune system, the better an organism is protected from infection.

Weak immune system – possible causes

We are particularly susceptible to infections in autumn and winter, not least because the combination of cold and dry heating air can dry out the mucous membranes in the nose and thus lose their cleaning and protective function.

In addition, some viruses can spread better in cold temperatures and are therefore in high season in winter, for example flu viruses. A strong immune system for defense is not only important in winter to prevent colds and other infections. This cannot be avoided entirely, but with a strong immune system, severe courses and the frequency of infection can be significantly reduced.

Stress factors for the defense

  • Unhealthy diet, malnutrition
  • Too less sleep
  • Stress and mental illness
  • High age
  • Basic and previous illnesses
  • Too little movement
  • Dehydration
  • High alcohol consumption
  • Smoke

Strong immune system – the right diet

To strengthen the immune system is the most important measure, first and foremost a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. The body should always be supplied with all essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements in order to be able to maintain its vital function.

Immune System – These micronutrients are especially important

A lot of fresh fruits and vegetables should be a main part of the diet. Cabbage vegetables are not only in season in winter, they are also ideal for naturally strengthening the immune system. Nuts, citrus fruits and oily fish such as salmon and cod can also support the body's defenses.

Minerals: Selenium, zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium

Vitamins: A, B6, B12, C, D, E

A vitamin D deficiency can occur, especially in the winter months, as vitamin D is formed in the skin through exposure to sunlight. A shortage is favored by staying indoors as well as by reduced hours of sunshine – which is why it is important to spend sufficient time in the fresh air during the day, even in winter.

Strengthen the immune system through homeopathy

Homeopathy can help anyone who frequently suffers from infections despite a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet and is looking for gentle help from nature. Many homeopathic active ingredients have proven themselves in practice to protect against a cold and to support the immune system.

Protection against colds – These remedies support the body's defenses

Anyone who frequently suffers from small and large infections should take preventive measures and additionally support the immune system. Active ingredients from homeopathy can be used here.

  • Asarum europaeum (hazel root): The yellow-blooming plant from the botanical family of the easter leek plants is used as a precaution against colds. The herb works as a homeopathic medicinal plant against colds, coughs and nervous exhaustion and is supposed to strengthen the immune system in times of stress. To protect against colds, a dosage of ten globules in the potency D6 four times a day is recommended.

  • Baptisia (Wild Indigo): Many people know indigo as a dye. Baptisia (wild or false indigo) was used as a substitute for real indigo (Indigofera tinctoria) to dye clothes. The herb is used in homeopathy for its medicinal properties. With exhaustion and flu-like infections, Baptisia can develop his strength.

  • Bryonia alba (white bryony): The homeopathic medicinal plant belongs to the cucurbits and is used in the treatment of the "inner skins". The power of the bryony should strengthen both the meninges and nasal mucous membranes and help with inflammation. Bryonia can also have a healing effect on gastrointestinal diseases and sunstroke. Since the plant is very rare, the red berry bryony (Bryonia dioica) is often used with the same ingredients.

  • Calendula (marigold): The orange blooming marigold, from the sunflower family (Asteraceae), is not only used in homeopathy and is a tried and tested medicinal plant. If you are very susceptible to infection, it is recommended to take five globules of potency D12 three times a day.

  • Echinacea (coneflower): The coneflower is a proven and well-researched medicinal plant from the sunflower plant family. The herbal active ingredient is also used in homeopathy. In the potencies D6 and D12, Echinacea can be used to strengthen the immune system from within. The medicinal herb is also used in homeopathic complex remedies.

  • Eupatorium perfoliatum (streaked water stew): The medicinal plant from the sunflower family is used in homeopathy to treat flu symptoms. However, Eupatorium perfoliatum can also be used as a preventive measure against relevant infections in order to strengthen the immune system. The mother tincture, which is later potentized, is obtained from the leaves and flowers of the plant.

  • Potassium chloratum: Potassium chloratum is best known as Schüssler salt number 4. Schüssler salts are homeopathic preparations based on mineral salts. Since mineral salts are particularly important for a strong immune system, the Schüssler salt, which is mainly associated with diseases of the mucous membrane, can be taken preventively to protect against a cold. It strengthens the body's defenses.

  • Melissa (lemon balm): The spicy aromatic plant belongs to the mint family, whose essential oils are widely used in naturopathy, for example as teas, oils or extracts for inhalation. In homeopathy, lemon balm is ascribed an antiviral effect, which is why it is also used in infection prevention.

  • Thuja (occidental tree of life): The homeopathic active ingredient is mostly used for warts. The remedy should also have a supportive effect to protect against colds, recurring inflammatory sinus complaints or in the case of an asthmatic disease. In women's health, the healing powers of the tree of life can offer protection against urinary tract infections in particular. The fragrant cypress plant can be used holistically in homeopathic terms to strengthen the immune system and protect it from various infections.

  • Silicea (silica): Silicea is obtained from white quartz sand or rock crystals. As a homeopathic remedy, Silicea is used, for example, for purulent skin inflammations and for psychological problems such as insecurity and a lack of self-confidence. Silicea is considered a homeopathic remedy for thin skin – related to actual injuries to the skin as well as to a sensitive mind. The skin is the most important barrier for pathogens. Silicea strengthens the skin and thus the immune system.

Homeopathic active ingredients are sometimes also offered as combination preparations. In order to find the right homeopathic medication against a weak immune system and high susceptibility to infections, advice from a doctor, alternative practitioner or pharmacist can be advisable.