Strikes: Enedis will file a complaint in the event of power cuts


If power needs to be increased, current employees are required to do so.

The representatives of the CGT have warned, there will be “no limit to their actions». In the energy sector, this could mean load drops on the network up to targeted blackouts. The CGT thus evoked the possibility of cutting off the electricity of permanence of elected officials, provoking many reactions of the interested parties. The executive has also stepped up. For Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, “hasto attack an elected representative of the Republic whoever he is, and whatever his political side, to put pressure on him, an ultimately physical, violent change, that comes under a dictatorship, it does not come under a democracy“.

EDF, Engie, RTE also reacted. All these companies say they are committed to respecting the right to strike, while setting up safeguards. No question of turning a blind eye to actions that would override rights. Enedis explains thus “obviously respect the right to strike of its employees but strongly condemns any act of…

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