Strikes threaten during the holiday season: Lufthansa presents pilots with a new salary offer

Strikes threaten during the holiday season
Lufthansa presents new salary offer to pilots

At the end of June, Lufthansa pilots’ no-holds-barred obligation ends. By then, the group wants to have reached an agreement with the Cockpit Association. Now there is a new offer: 18.5 percent more – spread over several years and including salary steps that have already taken place.

In the wage conflict with the pilots of the core brand Lufthansa Airlines and the freight subsidiary Cargo, Lufthansa has presented a new offer. This was confirmed by a company spokeswoman. One is in talks with the pilots union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC). Lufthansa did not comment on the details. A VC spokesman said the offer is currently being evaluated by the tariff commission.

Lufthansa 9:41

The “Handelsblatt” had previously reported that Lufthansa’s offer, together with previous increases, would result in a salary increase of 18.5 percent – spread over several years until 2025. The pilots had already received an increase of 490 euros per month twice during the ongoing collective bargaining talks .

The peace obligation for the more than 5000 pilots ends on June 30th. Strikes would be possible in the summer holiday season. Most recently, the Cockpit Association had asked Lufthansa not to play for time. This inevitably leads to escalation. The company’s own demands had been on the table for a long time, it was said at the beginning of June. Among other things, it is about protection against stress, better compatibility of work and family as well as a new remuneration structure and salary increases.

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