Stripe backs cryptocurrency again

Payments giant Stripe is returning to the cryptocurrency world with the launch of a suite of products to support cryptocurrency payments on its platform.

“Stripe now supports cryptocurrency businesses: exchanges, wallets and NFT marketplaces. Not just inbound, but also outbound, KYC (“Know Your Customer”) and identity verification, fraud prevention and much more,” announced John Collison, co-founder of Stripe, on Twitter.

Stripe’s support page also states that users will be able to purchase more than 135 cryptocurrencies with fiat currency in 180 countries.

The company has therefore reversed its decision, taken in 2018, to get rid of its support for bitcoin payments. At the time, the company cited currency volatility, slow transactions and ever-increasing processing fees as reasons for its decision to stop supporting it.

Visa acquires open banking platform Tink

In addition, Visa finalized the acquisition of the open banking platform Tink. According to Visa, the acquisition will allow the card payments giant to leverage Tink’s API technology to help customers adopt open banking.

Tink currently integrates with over 3,400 banks and financial institutions.

“Businesses large and small will also have access to a wider and more personalized range of tools to operate digitally and securely, whether it’s initiating payments, reconciling bank statements and accounts. or enable alternative financing,” adds Visa.


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