Study compares the sexes: Crisis hits self-employed women harder

Study compares sexes
Crisis hits self-employed women harder

According to a study, self-employed women suffer much more from the pandemic than men in such a position. Over 60 percent struggle with financial and psychological consequences. The fact that the crisis is having different effects on the sexes is primarily due to their job sectors.

According to a study, the corona pandemic hits self-employed women particularly hard. They have to struggle more often than male self-employed with a crisis-related loss of income and as a result suffer more often from depression and anxiety, as a study by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) showed, about which the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported in advance.

The researchers surveyed Germans from a total of 6,700 households between April and July 2020. Around 47 percent of self-employed men suffered financial losses during the Corona crisis, while the figure for self-employed women was around 63 percent, as the newspaper quoted from the study. The results can mainly be explained by the fact that “self-employed women work disproportionately often in industries that are particularly badly affected by the Covid 19 pandemic” – for example through the interim closings of their shops.

According to the report, the conclusion of the study is that “reliable support that can be applied for with little effort” is needed for the self-employed that also covers the cost of living. Otherwise, those affected could increasingly turn away from self-employment.
