When people cheat, many different and individual factors usually play a role. However, as a Chinese research team found, a certain trait can increase the likelihood of flinging in men.
One is cheating because she has relationship anxiety and thus unconsciously wants to sabotage her partnership, the other because he lacks something in his marriage, and the third simply because she can. Behind every affair there are individual motives that somehow make it understandable or at least explain it.
Is there infidelity in nature?
At the same time, however, it also seems to depend on the nature and personality of a person whether he is cheating on his partner: some would resist even the sweetest temptation and the most broken relationship, others register in an affair portal despite a healthy partnership. This in turn suggests the somewhat daring question: Can we tell people in principle that they do not see it that closely with loyalty? A research team from Southwest University in Chongqing, China, has addressed precisely this question.
Study of the relationship between infidelity and tone of voice
Using a random sample of a good 260 test persons (116 men, 147 women), the scientists examined whether there might be a connection between the pitch of a person's voice and their cheating potential – yes, that's right, the pitch of the voice! In order to divide the test subjects into categories, the researchers first let them speak sentences that allowed them to determine their pitch. In addition, they asked the test subjects about their loyalty behavior: Have they cheated more often in the past and do they consider it more likely that they would cheat on their partner? Or would they rather consider themselves loyal?
Based on the data and information, the scientists looked for a connection – and found it, at least in the case of the men: Male test subjects with a deep voice are therefore more prone to infidelity than those who speak in a higher pitch. In the female test subjects, on the other hand, the scientists could not find any connection between voice color and infidelity.
Testosterone As An Infidelity Driver?
Jing Zhang, the leader of the experiment, is quoted by the "Mirror": "Our results suggest that very masculine men are more likely to be unfaithful and less committed to romantic partnerships than more feminine men. However, this does not seem to be the case with women . "
The scientist cites the hormone testosterone as a possible explanation for this phenomenon: Perhaps, according to her thesis, a high testosterone level, which is decisive for a strong expression of masculine characteristics such as a deep voice, also increases the probability that a man will cheat.
In addition, it could play a role that very masculine men tend to be perceived as more attractive and more successful and thus find it easier to cheat – which goes in the direction of the thesis of the self-confessed ripper Alan Roger Currie, who says that a man's loyalty depends directly on its possibilities (you can read more about this in our article "Secrets of a ripper").
But even if this would give us two reasons to be cautious about mistrusting attractive men with deep voices and the results of this study are quite interesting, we should treat them with the utmost caution for the time being: On the one hand, a sample of 117 men is not particularly large. On the other hand, in addition to their hormone levels, people also have an awareness that allows them to resist their testosterone. And in addition, even the most notorious cheater and riot will be converted with the deepest voice if he has his dream woman and true love by his side. At least that's what we'd like to believe – even without a study.