Study shows: masturbation reduces period pain

Study shows: masturbation reduces period pain

© skaman306 / Getty Images

And the menstrual marmot greets you every month. In tow: various caustic symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, irritability, breast tenderness and much more. A new study now shows what can help and also makes us feel really good.

Menstruation – half of all people have to do with it in the course of their lives, and yet there is still little research into women's health. Of course we know about PMS and cycle-related pain, but that's about it. Because there is a big gap not only in terms of salaries and care work between men and women, but also in medicine. The so-called Gender Health Gap describes this gap and shows that women have long been neglected in medicine and research.

Two taboos in one study: menstruation and masturbation

In May 2020, the sex toy manufacturer Womanizer and The Female Company therefore launched the menstrubation study (menstruation + masturbation) – the first clinical study worldwide to find out whether masturbation helps against period pain. The result: Yes, masturbation helps relieve period pain and other symptoms.

#Menstrubation: This is what the study shows

In order to obtain valid results on the positive effect of masturbation on PMS and period symptoms, the study followed around 500 menstruating women over a period of five months. Their current menstrual problems serve as a starting point. During a three-month test phase, no painkillers were taken for period pain and instead masturbated. The level of her period pain was recorded every month. After the three-month trial period, they returned to their usual means of pain control and relief. A final survey after another month should determine whether masturbation has a long-term positive effect on period pain. The result? Through masturbation alone, the pain level could be reduced by 1.3 points within three months.


© Womanizer Global

But not only that, positive effects of masturbation were also found on other symptoms, as Dr. Andrea Burri, psychosexologist and founder of the "Institute for Sex Counseling and Sexual Sciences (ISCSS)" explains:

"The evaluation of certain symptoms shows that regular masturbation can primarily reduce the frequency of physical complaints. In particular: cramps, pain in the breasts, lower abdomen, lower back and inner thighs. It also had a positive effect After the test phase, fewer participants than at the beginning experienced certain symptoms in each cycle phase. This indicates that masturbation can also reduce pain over the long term and have a lasting, positive effect on health and general well-being. "

Why does masturbation help during menstruation?

As always, it is the hormones to blame: During and after orgasm, endorphins, oxytocin and dopamine are released, which have a positive effect on the body. Endorphins have a direct influence on the perception and processing of pain and counteract prostaglandins (the messengers of pain). Oxytocin reduces the stress hormone cortisol and thus ensures relaxation and pain relief, while dopamine triggers feelings of euphoria and happiness and thus ensures inner balance. At the same time, while masturbating, the metabolism and blood flow are stimulated and the increased blood flow to the muscles ensures better well-being. And honestly, who doesn't an orgasm relax?

The best thing about the study, however, is that it doesn't cost anything to just let it go and try it out. It won't do any harm, but in the best case we have fun and can banish all the Ibus and Paracetamols in the pharmacy cabinet. Masturbation is much more than just masturbation: it's self-care, as Dr. Christopher Ryan Jones, Clinical Psychologist & Sex Therapist, says:

"I've always recommended masturbation as part of a healthy self-care routine. In a world where masturbation is still very shameful, it is all the more important to emphasize the benefits. With this study, we were able to empirically demonstrate that masturbation is an effective method of treating menstrual cramps. "
