Study: So much coffee a day is too much

This is what happens when you drink 25 cups of coffee a day

© fahadkarim / Shutterstock

Coffee is healthy – but only in moderation, as it was long said. According to a study, the assumption is outdated. We reveal how much coffee is okay every day!

Are you one of those people whose first step in the morning is to the coffee machine? And who would prefer to drink nothing but coffee all day long? Then here is good news for you: Contrary to what was previously assumed, increased coffee consumption also does not have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. At least that’s the result of one studywhich was carried out at Queen Mary University in London.

Is coffee bad for the arteries?

The study was presented at the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) conference. According to the researchers you can drink up to 25 cups of coffee a day without the coffee promoting stiffening of the arteries. According to the scientists, it can also be concluded from this that coffee does not increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Previous research had indicated that a maximum of four to five cups of our beloved pick-me-up per day is safe.

Coffee for everyone!

For the new English study, more than 8,000 subjects were divided into three groups. Group 1 drank less than one cup of coffee per day, Group 2 drank between one and three cups per day, and Group 3 at least three cups per day. Although subjects who drank up to 25 cups of coffee a day were excluded, these too ultimately showed no increased risk of cardiovascular disease compared to the other participants. Other risk factors such as age, gender, smoking and drinking habits, height and weight, diet, blood pressure and ethnic background were taken into account in the study.

Average was five cups a day

To check the results, further investigation is planned as study author Dr. Kenneth Fung reveals: “Although our study also included people who drink up to 25 cups a day, the average consumption of the group with the highest consumption was five cups. We want to take a closer look at these people in the future to determine tolerable limits set for consumption.”

Until then, however, the following applies to passionate coffee consumers: Don’t panic, just enjoy!

Reading tip: You can find out here whether it helps with weight loss.


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