Study: Women with these names make the most money

First names
Study: Women with these names make the most money

High Income First Names: Are Women Really Making More Money Using These Names?


Julia and Alexander – according to a study, respondents rate people with that name as attractive. However, the comparison with a salary database shows: The highest salary is paid to others – see here which first name has the greatest advantage!

Do you sometimes have the feeling that people with certain first names simply have a lot of success in life? There is actually a spark of truth in this: From a purely statistical point of view, women with certain first names actually suspiciously often have a higher income than women with other names. Sounds weird? Sure, of course there are other factors involved. Nonetheless, the numbers clearly suggest something unusual.

High Income First Names: What’s Behind It?

The basis for the evaluation of which names are supposed to be particularly advantageous for women in their jobs was one Study by the TU Chemnitz. This examined which names were rated as particularly attractive by the respondents. After determining these results, the Adzuna job portal compared the first names with the corresponding average salaries. The surprising result: The names found to be particularly attractive are not necessarily the ones that automatically clear the most salary. Somehow reassuring that it’s not just about attractiveness when it comes to professional success.

There are also deductions at the top

Before all of us with supposedly less financially strong first names feel bad now, an all-clear: Of course, these results also have to be viewed with a somewhat critical distance. Only thirty male and 30 female first names were checked for the study, which of course significantly reduces the informative value. There is also something reassuring about this, because the name study also has an uncomfortable downside: Even the top earners among women still earn a whole lot less than the top winners among men. Why should the gender pay gap take a break from such a name comparison? The patriarchy was actually lucky again in this game of thought.

Source used: archive material

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