Study: You lose this good quality if you don’t sleep enough

New study
You lose this good quality if you sleep too little

© Raul / Adobe Stock

If you don’t get enough sleep, life can quickly become very exhausting. We are in a bad mood, show it more or less openly to our loved ones and try to pull ourselves together to some extent with acquaintances – with more or less success. But according to a new study, lack of sleep has a completely different effect.

When we are tired, we lack energy. Why should we concern ourselves with this matter? Why be friendly or courteous – none of that makes any sense to us anymore, because physically we are rather miserable. We are often cold and our gloomy look shows everyone: stay away from me. No wonder, then, that according to a new study also lose our willingness to help in the face of lack of sleep…

Harmonious get-together

According to the scientists of the study, sleep is of fundamental importance for living together in society. A person who suffers from lack of sleep for one night is therefore no longer willing to offer help to another person. According to the study, this is mainly due to the deactivation of certain areas in the social-cognitive brain area, which in turn is also responsible for prosocial behavior. The same phenomenon can also be observed in groups in which the people suffered sleep deprivation together. They are also less willing to help other people in everyday situations.

How was tested?

For the results, the researchers examined the behavior of 24 individuals. One night they were allowed enough sleep, the next they were deprived of sleep or not given enough. They then had to fill out a questionnaire and complete a social-cognitive test, in which their brain was simultaneously scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was scanned. 136 people took part in the group test. They kept a four-day sleep diary and also filled out questionnaires.

Effects also in the population

How is that supposed to be ascertainable, one might ask. In some countries we now have the practical time change! And that’s a good indicator for observing people who may be getting less sleep. The researchers looked at three million donations to community organizations over a period of several years and found that the number was lower during the transition period, when the body readjusts to the lack of time.

Basically, the results show that sleep deprivation can lead to less helpful behavior at individual, group and national levels. This could actually be a societal problem. Because sleep disorders are increasing in Germany. In a DAK study from 2017 it is said that about 80 percent of the working population would sleep badly. Extrapolated that is around 34 million people. However, future research still has to show how much sleep is the threshold to less social behavior.


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