Styling: 3 fashion tips with which we look great despite the rainy weather

No shiver can do these it-pieces

© stockfour / Shutterstock

Jump into the next puddle without getting your feet wet, because in these it-pieces the shock of the showers really becomes a rain festival!

Anyone who spends time in the fresh air every day helps to strengthen the immune system. Even 30 minutes are completely sufficient. But let’s be honest, when it’s cold, gray and wet outside, it’s anything but inviting. We would much rather curl up at home with our favorite novel and stay in the home office. But as Mama says so beautifully: You are not made of sugar. However, if you have doubts about this, these pieces will help you through the shower.

Rainproof: Stay dry in style

Bala Balaclava

Also known as: ski mask – but only sounds half as sexy in the fashion world. Since we usually do without a chic hairstyle in misty weather anyway, we can confidently reach for this piece. The trend part has the advantage that the hair stays dry and the neck and ears are protected. Frizz-free and warm through the (snow) rain. What more do we want? A little tip: The material should be made of cotton if possible, as it is breathable and absorbs the moisture that is produced when you breathe out.

Puddle Jumper: in

Wonderful were the times when we jumped carefree into puddles of water. Anyone who doesn’t necessarily want to hop in the deepest puddle these days no longer has to make a detour with rubber boots. They haven’t just been squeaky yellow for a long time and can therefore easily be styled with the everyday look. If you have a shiny pair, you can give them a little silicone oil every now and then to keep them looking like new.

It rains, it pours

In Hamburg, I’ve found that umbrellas are rarely used. Why? Because using it is usually more strenuous than walking briskly through the wet – anyone who has ever flipped the umbrella over understands what is meant. When buying a rain jacket, no matter how stylish, it must be waterproof. After all, we want to be dry and protected from the wind by the rain. Pay attention to the material when buying. This shouldn’t soak up water, but repel it… Take a spray bottle with you and let’s test it!


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