Styling: 5 beauty trends that we can safely skip

Nothing for us
5 beauty trends we prefer to skip

© Breslavtsev Oleg / Shutterstock

On the run? Then stay away from these beauty trends, because they don’t do anything for us anyway.

After what feels like an eternity of pandemic, we now see a little light at the end of the tunnel. A glimmer of hope for dates, girls’ nights out or spontaneous dates. And by “spontaneous” I mean those whose beginning and end do not take place during the test center’s opening hours. I mean those for whom the only time buffer we allow is our beauty routine. So that we don’t need an exorbitant amount of time, here are a few beauty trends that we’re gratefully forgoing.

No stress: We can safely ignore these beauty trends

Full face foundation

No offense, I love foundation. Especially if it matches my skin tone and doesn’t make me pale or orange, applies well and isn’t too oily. But for the time being, we’ll keep our hands off full coverage and pore blockage. Anyone who has used the pandemic to get to know and care for their skin should not jump head over heels into the make-up world. Rather step by step… and pssst: natural glow is definitely still in demand.

Fake dark circles

Nineties heroin chic is having a revival, but can we agree that painted circles absolutely aren’t…IT? Many women find their dark circles and puffy eyes distressing. Not because they are there, but, for example, because of the circumstances why they are there or the experience that was made with them. Let’s just be happy if we don’t have dark circles under our eyes instead of painstakingly painting them on with kajal?

rhinestones on the face

Okay, okay… Glitter and rhinestones can be chic and trashy. i love both But the face and the eye look full of rhinestones? No way! Not because it can’t look pretty, but rather because of the hassle of sticking it on and removing it. Because let’s be honest with ourselves: Adhesive ON THE FACE doesn’t sound particularly skin-friendly. But we like to let off steam with manicures and pedicures.

Glossy eyes

We see him on celebrities, on the runways and in beauty shots. It’s probably one of the most impractical looks. It looks fabulous at first when the (lip) gloss mixed with the eyeshadow on the lid has a completely different effect. But in the course of the day (or evening), depending on the temperature and product selection, it melts along the eye and causes a sticky matter and an uncomfortable feeling.

Sticker tattoos

X years of pandemic and little opportunity to tan in the sun or splash around in the water. That doesn’t mean, however, that we have to pick up where we left off as soon as things get better. Remember those gold tattoo stripes you got on before you went on vacation? Please do not! Let’s leave them for our toddlers, nieces, nephews… They really don’t look stylish at all on adults, more like a cry for help.


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