Styling: Finding out the right eyebrow shape easily

Finding out the right eyebrow shape is easy

Eyebrows protect the eye from external influences and are an important part of facial expressions.


Curved, angular or do you prefer straight? If you are looking for the right eyebrow shape, you have to look at the big picture.

What do Daniela Katzenberger (34), Cara Delevingne (28) and Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) have in common? All three are or were known for their distinctive eyebrows. However, if you want brows as full of character as Model Delevingne, you shouldn't just let them grow carelessly. Because: Not every face shape is suitable for every shape of brow.

Long faces like it straight

People who want to counteract their long face should avoid sweeping arches. Flat, straight eyebrows, which visually shorten the face, are more suitable. Slightly curved eyebrows, on the other hand, are suitable for people with oval faces. With them, the brow should rise slightly upwards and drop off just as gently after the highest point.

Round faces benefit from the arch

Round-faced people can step on the gas when it comes to eyebrow styling. The shape can be chosen to be distinctive. The so-called high arch is ideally suited. Means: The highest point of the brow is set as high as possible so that a curved line is created. To give the whole thing character, it is advisable to pluck the brow arch a little angularly at the highest point.

Square faces call for momentum

People with a more angular face shape should make sure that the eyebrows bring a little gentleness to the facial features. Round curved eyebrows are an advantage here. They take away the distinctive features of the face and make it appear softer. The same applies to people with a heart-shaped face. You should adjust the curve of the brows according to the shape of your face so that the forehead looks smaller.

Where is the beginning, where is the end?

Although the shape of the eyebrows should always be selected individually according to the shape of the face, the start, maximum and end points are determined in the same way. For this, the nostril is the crucial starting point. If you place a ruler perpendicular to it, the line running upwards shows where the eyebrow should ideally begin. If you tilt the ruler a little to the side so that it now crosses the pupil, the point at which the brow should be highest can be determined. The line that results from the connection of the nostril and the outer edge of the eye marks the harmonious end point of the brow.
