Successful app in the Play Store: The secret embarrassment for Samsung, Xiaomi, Google and Co.

The duel for the mobile phone market has long been decided: Samsung, Xiaomi, Google and Co. together have a market share of more than 70 percent. Apple has to be content with the rest. Despite the clear balance of power, the iPhone triggers a stimulus that many owners of Android smartphones cannot resist. A hit app from the Google Play Store bears witness to this desire.

A plus point of Android smartphones is the versatility with which the phones can be adapted to your own taste. Even if Apple’s iOS has caught up a lot, especially in the recent past, Android remains the front runner here. However, the fact that owners of Android smartphones use exactly this opportunity to Make your phone look like an iPhonewill certainly not go down well with the manufacturers.

iOS clones are very popular among Android smartphone owners

The “Launcher iOS 16” app alone has more than 50 million downloads in the Google Play Store. The name says it all: The app gives the Android smartphone an iOS look, including the corresponding icons, animations, folder designs and more. After installation, the software on the Android cell phone is almost 1:1 like a current iPhone.

Launcher iOS 16

LuuTinh Developer

There are countless iOS clones in the Google Play Store that advertise bringing the look and feel of the iPhone to the Android smartphone. Often the apps Millions of downloads and excellent ratings.

The coveted original will soon be in round 16:

The success of the iOS clones should give Google, but also Samsung and Xiaomi food for thought

Kaan Gurayer

Above all for Google, the success of these iOS clones is a slap in the face. For years, the US company has been trying to give Android its own visual identity, which differs from the iPhone – with success, as Material Design shows. But that doesn’t seem to matter to a not insignificant proportion of Android users. They prefer to use (sometimes very cheap looking) iOS clones.

But the success of such apps must also give Samsung, Xiaomi and the other big players in the Android business food for thought. Although their user interfaces are often based on Google’s stock Android, One UI and MIUI also set their own visual accents. They seem not to meet with approval from some users.

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