Successor to Beat Walti – FDP parliamentary group presidium: will a French-speaking country or a woman take over? – News


Discussions are going on behind the scenes of the party. French-speaking Switzerland lays claim to the office and has a good candidate in Olivier Feller. Others feel it takes a woman.

With Thierry Burkart, the FDP has had a new party president since autumn. Now the Liberals have to fill a second key post: During the winter session, parliamentary group president Beat Walti announced his resignation.

An initial application for his successor has been submitted. The Vaudois National Councilor Olivier Feller would like to lead the parliamentary group of the FDP in the future. He grew up in a Vaudois village above Nyon.

30 years since the last French-speaking member in office

Since Feller’s parents come from German-speaking Switzerland, he is bilingual. And after Walti’s resignation, he sees the French-speaking Swiss on the train. “If you haven’t had a parliamentary group president from western Switzerland for 30 years, it is certainly right that a national councilor is elected from western Switzerland now, that would fit in well with our party,” he says.

Therefore, Feller, the previous vice-president of the parliamentary group, is standing for election. The last group leader from French-speaking Switzerland was, from 1989 to 1996, Pascal Couchepin. Since Didier Burkhalter resigned, the French-speaking FDP is no longer represented in the Federal Council. Ignazio Cassis prevailed against the French candidates four years ago, a turning point for the FDP in French-speaking Switzerland.

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Because it achieved a higher share of the vote in the French-speaking cantons than the sections in German-speaking Switzerland. The Valais FDP National Councilor Philippe Nantermod presides the FDP parliamentary group from French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino.

Both genders in management positions

He says: «Given the great weight of the FDP in western Switzerland, it is legitimate that it is also represented in the highest offices. In Olivier Feller we have an excellent candidate. That is why we are campaigning for a parliamentary group leader from western Switzerland. ”

The French-speaking Swiss are not the only ones who lay claim to the parliamentary group presidency. After Petra Gössi’s resignation as party president, women are also women for better representation.

The St. Gallen National Councilor and President of the FDP women, Susanne Vincenz-Stauffacher, says: “Given the current constellation with a party president, a general secretary and also a parliamentary group secretary, a woman’s candidacy would of course be very desirable.” She will announce in January whether she will run herself.

Schneeberger as Vice President?

A woman or a French-speaking Swiss: After this duel, it looks so far in the race for the parliamentary group presidium of the FDP. But the French-speaking candidate Feller wants to avoid this. «I hope there won’t be a duel. And I suggest that you find a compromise. ” He’s interested in the office of president.

“But I also believe that the vice-presidency should be taken over by a German-speaking Swiss woman, and I could imagine that it could be Daniela Schneeberger.” This is what it says in Feller’s application to the 41 members of the FDP parliamentary group.

The decision will be made on February 18th

The addressee was initially interested in the Presidium herself. She now renounces and says: “I could well imagine, should there be a parliamentary group presidency from French-speaking Switzerland to run for vice presidency.” Feller’s candidacy therefore wants to cover the western part of Switzerland and the right to women.

Whether this tactic will work remains to be seen on February 18th. Then the parliamentary group of the FDP elects its new presidium.


Resigns his position as FDP parliamentary group leader: the Zurich National Councilor Beat Walti.


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