Successor to Stoltenberg: Dutchman Rutte elected NATO Secretary General

Stoltenberg’s successor
Dutchman Rutte elected NATO Secretary General

Now it is official: the outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Rutte will be appointed the next Secretary General of NATO. He will replace the Norwegian Stoltenberg at the beginning of October.

The outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has been officially appointed as the next Secretary General of NATO. The 57-year-old is to succeed the Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg at the beginning of October, the defense alliance announced after a meeting of the permanent representatives of the 32 NATO states.

Only last week, Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis withdrew his rival’s candidacy, paving the way for Rutte to head NATO. The Dutchman is taking over the post at a difficult stage of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. NATO is also preparing for a possible re-election of former US President Donald Trump and a weaker US role in the transatlantic alliance.

More on that soon

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