Such a big sun (spoilers): Claire tells Florent the truth and Gaëlle is ready to be executed

This Thursday, April 28 in Un si grand soleil (8:45 p.m., France 2), Hélène moves on to the next phase of her plan to separate Florent and Claire. For her part, Gaëlle makes a very risky decision that puts her in a more than delicate position…

In the episode of Un si grand soleil this Thursday, April 28, Hélène (Sophie Le Tellier) decides to publish photos of Claire (Mélanie Maudran) and her attacker on a social network by tagging Florent (Fabrice Deville) on the photos. It is when he is in a meeting with Claudine Becker (Catherine Wilkening) that the latter discovers the photos. Completely destabilized and angry, he calls Claire – who is with one of his patients who is possibly developing an addiction to opioids – to ask her for an explanation. Distraught, she replies that she must speak to him. When she has lunch with Hélène, the latter pretends to be innocent and asks her how Florent could have seen the photos. She encourages Claire to think that it was her abuser who posted the photos in order to get revenge for not being able to sleep with Claire.

Determined to find the man who almost raped her, the nurse goes to the Senso and questions Virgile (Fred Bianconi), who in turn explains that he will ask Alix (Nadia Fossier) if she knows the man in question. . When she comes back, Claire receives an icy welcome from Florent who, after the meal, lets all his anger, his fear and his disappointment express themselves. Claire may explain to him that the man has no importance for her, that she found herself alone with him in a room without knowing how, Florent does not lose his temper. He remains pissed and wants to know how she ended up in this situation. When Claire tells him that without Hélène, she would have been raped, that is obviously not enough for Florent. The latter then asks him why Claire did not tell him about it immediately. And the answer lies in the aggressive and angry tone of the question. If the victims speak so little, it is because an angry interlocutor, who doubts the good faith and puts the word of the victim into account, does not really call for confidences as heavy as this one…

Gaëlle’s mission soon to be over?

On the investigation side, things are not easier. Judge Alphand (Marie-Gaëlle Cals) puts pressure on Alex (Benjamin Bourgois) to press Gaëlle (Hélène Degy) about her quest for information. The commissioner and the judge need know where is the place where the group intends to make the money. If the counterfeit money enters circulation before they have been able to dismantle the network, the agreement made with Gaëlle will be null and void. Christophe (Hubert Benhamdine) for his part, worried after hearing his wife talk about the operation, leaves the scheme. During the absence of Mathieu, who had a discussion with Christophe, Gaëlle takes the opportunity to go out. She finds Alex and gives him new information., then the cop’s phone rings and gives Gaëlle a glimpse of her ex’s new life. She suspects that he had to start a new life, but the shock remains hard to take – Hélène Degy explained to Télé Star why.

Mathieu’s return while Gaëlle is still in the surveillance van complicates their affair. Alex tries to hold back Gaëlle and have the whole operation canceled but the former cop wants to go back even if, according to Alex, it’s too risky. When she is back in the hideout, Mathieu falls on her while Pauline (Perrine Tourneux) defends her. Mathieu then pulls out a gun and tells him to kneel down. As he appears ready to fire, the radio scanner plays the voice of Alex, who calls for reinforcements and raids the hideout.


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© Capture / France 2

2/12 –

such a big sun
She told him that she thinks she was drugged

© Capture / France 2

3/12 –

such a big sun
Hélène released photos of Claire and her attacker

© Capture / France 2

4/12 –

such a big sun
She wants to separate Florent and Claire

© Capture / France 2

5/12 –

such a big sun
Florent did not react well at all to Claire’s announcement

© Capture / France 2

6/12 –

such a big sun
Is Hélène the one who drugged Claire?

© Capture / France 2

7/12 –

such a big sun
At the same time, the investigation continues

© Capture / France 2

8/12 –

such a big sun
Judge Alphand wants results

© Capture / France 2

9/12 –

such a big sun
Claire and Gaëlle are still locked up together

© © Fabien MALOT- FTV

10/12 –

such a big sun
Virgil tries to help Claire

© Capture / France 2

11/12 –

such a big sun
Pauline defends Gaëlle in front of Mathieu

© Capture / France 2

12/12 –

such a big sun
Mathieu still takes aim at Gaelle

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