Such a big sun (spoilers): Lucille, Mo and David in the sights of the police

On January 31 in Un si grand soleil, Janet is in a delicate position, Elisabeth is worried about Arthur and the police continue their investigation into the money potentially stolen by Lucille, Mo and David.

In the Monday, January 31, 2022 episode ofsuch a big sun, the director of the hospital announces to Janet (Tonya Kinzinger) that she’s gonna have to separate from members of its staff. The doctor defends the need to have as many staff as she can but her boss is intransigent. Janet asks Helen organize lighter schedules for nurses and caregivers so that it is cheaper, without having to lay off people. Hélène doesn’t like it but complies, Yasmine hears this exchange.

The rumor of a restructuring is spreading. jennifer plans to be transferred to another service which will involve her at the other end of the city, this disappoints Arthur (Auguste Yvon). He is worried about his girlfriend. Alain (Frédéric van den Driessche) reassures him, she will not lose her job, she will just go elsewhere. Elizabeth (Chrystelle Labaude) sees that her grandson is upset by all this. She feels that Arthur is impulsive and fears that Jennifer will use him. Alain denies this accusation. At the same time, the patient stressed by her job as Janet and Claire (Mélanie Maudran) continues to work in her room. The latter recommends slow down and take care of her until the operation. She accepts.

Lucille, Mo and David spotted by Yann in A great sun

Like David, Lucille (Alicia Dadoun) takes money from the sum they found. They promise to reimburse if it is indeed the savings of Mr. Gassin. The reporter goes shopping. Mo (Fred Kamatari) is still at the hotel with Joel, they have a good time together. She then sees Lucille and wants them to return their loot to the police. The journalist assures him that they must first find out how they obtained these tickets. Mo confides that she feels good with Joel. Yann (Constantin Balsan) investigates in a bar, the manager recognizes on a photo Lucille and David who came the other evening. He then goes to a grocery store and the boss identifies the trio. He specifies that they came back the next day to ask questions because they did not remember their evening the day before. Yann reports all this to Becker (Yvon Bach). According to him, this story is too light. Moreover, if they were in a daze, they couldn’t commit a burglary. He advises her to ask questions to Akim (Aissam Medhem). This one is at the roommate, still upset. He is waiting for his girlfriend to apologize. Marilyn (Elisabeth Margoni) says this to Lucille and she is angry, she doesn’t understand that Akim is so stubborn. In the night, she has a new dream: she is partying with her friends and finds himself face to face with a man called Jérôme… To be continued in Such a big sun.


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© Capture

2/12 –

such a big sun
David, Mo and Lucille can’t remember one evening

© Capture

3/12 –

such a big sun
Janet has pressure in the hospital

© Capture

4/12 –

such a big sun
Lucille is at odds with Akim

© © Cécile MELLA – FTV

5/12 –

such a big sun
Yann investigates

© © Cécile MELLA – FTV

6/12 –

such a big sun
Alain reassures Elisabeth


7/12 –

such a big sun
Marilyne advises Akim and Lucille

© © Fabien MALOT

8/12 –

such a big sun
Elisabeth worries about Arthur

© © Fabien MALOT/ FTV

9/12 –

such a big sun
Mo cheats on Enric

© © Fabien Malot/ FTV

10/12 –

such a big sun
Mo sleeps with Joel

© © Fabien MALOT/ FTV

11/12 –

such a big sun
Mo is under the spell of Joel

© © Fabien MALOT – FTV

12/12 –

such a big sun
Yann will ask Akim about Lucille

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