Such a great sun (spoilers): Hélène confesses her feelings to Claire and Gaëlle is rejected

This Monday, May 9, in Un si grand soleil (8:45 p.m., France 2), the story between Claire and Hélène comes to an end with a surprising resolution. For her part, Gaëlle is more and more afraid of dying and tries everything for everything with Alex.

This May 9 in the episode of Un si grand soleil, Hélène (Sophie Le Tellier) is arrested by Yann Cross (Constantin Balsan) and learns from Elise (Malya Roman) that Claire (Mélanie Maudran) has plodged a complaint against her for intoxication and forcible confinement. If Hélène starts out laughing at these accusations, she quickly becomes disillusioned when Elise confirms the presence of GHB in Claire’s blood by explaining that she was the only one who could have drugged her. The nurse remains convinced that it is a misunderstanding and refuses to hire a lawyer. When Elise and Yann go to search her locker at the hospital in the presence of Janet (Tonya Kinzinger), they find GHB well, coming from a stock other than that of the hospital, in its affairs. When Claire and Hélène face each other, misunderstanding dominates. Hélène says that she took in Claire who couldn’t take it anymore to be with Florent (Fabrice Deville) and that she took care of her, while Claire explains that she was reconciled with Florent.

Persuaded to see signs where there were none, Hélène thinks that Claire felt the same romantic feelings as her towards her and that is why she wanted to come and live with her. Stunned, the liberal nurse gets angry by pointing out that she was almost raped because of Hélène who, in the throes of delirium, still sees herself as her savior. When Claire notices that she is facing a madwoman, Hélène simply replies that it is not nice to tell her that… On the investigation side, disillusions are also on the program for Gaëlle (Hélène Degy). The latter manages to obtain a counterfeit note to bring it to Alex (Benjamin Bourgois) and allow him to analyze it. She also tells him that the exchange will take place the next day. Terrified that the criminals will kill her after the transaction, Gaëlle shares her fears with Alex who replies that he protects her. Gaëlle then leans towards Alex, who gently pushes her away explaining that he loves his girlfriend.

Christophe gets spotted

Frightened and heartbroken, Gaëlle returns to the hideout all the same so as not to be noticed. Although the situation is difficult to manage for Alex, the latter still has a discussion with Julie (Sophie Staub) to whom he finally confesses that his mission involves his ex. Faced with the concern of Julie, who is convinced that Gaëlle still has feelings for Alex, the cop reassures her by telling her that it is her that he loves and that he feels nothing towards his ex. -fiancee. The couple tries to get back on better footing while at the police station, the identity of the famous JC is finally revealed thanks to Alex’s work in the field. Finally for Christophe (Hubert Benhamdine) things are likely to get complicated after Margot (Clara Botte), who finds him suspicious, followed him and saw him with Achillewhose identity she does not know…


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© Capture / France 2

2/12 –

such a big sun
The latter believes in a misunderstanding

© Capture / France 2

3/12 –

such a big sun
She says she helped Claire

© Capture / France 2

4/12 –

such a big sun
Elise explains to her that Claire was drugged with GHB

© Capture / France 2

5/12 –

such a big sun
Claire explained everything to Elise

© Capture / France 2

6/12 –

such a big sun
Hélène has romantic feelings for Claire

© Capture / France 2

7/12 –

such a big sun
Claire blames herself for not having seen anything

© Capture / France 2

8/12 –

such a big sun
Janet is present when the police find GHB in Hélène’s belongings.

© Capture / France 2

9/12 –

such a big sun
Alex and Julie have a discussion about Gaëlle

© Capture / France 2

10/12 –

such a big sun
The latter is rejected by Alex

© Capture / France 2

11/12 –

such a big sun
Christophe is followed by Margot

© Capture / France 2

12/12 –

such a big sun
She sees him playing with Achille

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