Such a great sun (spoilers): Lucille leaves Montpellier and Manu puts himself in danger

On July 19 in Un si grand soleil (France 2, 8:45 p.m.), Lucille leaves Montpellier, Steve passes the Olympics and Manu follows a serious lead…

In the episode ofsuch a big sun from Tuesday July 19, 2022, Noémie (Lucile Krier) is on edge. She spent the night in prison because of Akim (Aïssam Medhem), who saw fit to arrest her when she was demonstrating for an ecological cause. The policeman admits having gone a little far in questioning her, but reminds her that she did not have to insult him. Noémie replies that the only reason she doesn’t start over is that she has to run her stable. Back at work, Noémie thanks Rémi (Samuel Allain Abitbol) for watching over the team during his absence. To her great relief, the young man offers to take care of her while she goes to rest. Once alone, Noémie receives a call from Alice (Maëlle Mietton) and tells her that she has spent the night in prison. Obviously, Akim needed to vent his nerves on someone. Alice finds this very strange. Usually, Akim knows how to keep his cool perfectly.

Returning from the police station, Akim finds Lucille (Alicia Dadoun) packing her bags. The young woman tries to convince him to follow her to Barcelona, ​​but Akim has no desire. He wishes her to enjoy, to make her repairs, and promises her that they will talk again about her plan to settle in Spain on her return. After a finalI love you“, Lucille leaves the apartment. A little later, Ludo (Folco Marchi) recounts Noémie’s arrest to Bilal (Malik Elakehal). He feels like Akim has completely lost his mind, but Bilal asks him to be a bit more understanding. Akim is going through a difficult time with Lucille. At the same time, Akim filters a call from Lucille, who has just arrived in Barcelona…

Steve passes the Olympics

The big day has arrived for Steve (Lyad Smain), who is in Norway for the Olympics. Very stressed for her boyfriend, Camille (Léonie Dahan-Lamort) only talks about that, to the point of worrying her mother. Laëtitia (Shirley Bousquet) has the impression that Camille is more interested in Steve’s Olympiads than in her own French baccalaureate, which is due to take place the following week. To reassure her, Camille promises to dedicate herself fully to her revisions when the Olympiads are over. In the evening, Steve calls Camille and tells her that he has finished 12th in the ranking. This is the best result recorded by France for 30 years, which makes Camille very proud. Steve thanks her for being there for him during the revisions.

Aurore Verneuil made a request to speak, but it was refused. Angry, the young woman contacts Maître Graçay (Fabrice Deville). He explains to him that his father is still suspected of being linked to the death of Bruno Drieu. If judge Alphand (Marie-Gaëlle Cals) refused his request to speak, it was to continue to question him and put pressure on him. Aurore finds the maneuver very severe, especially since her father has nothing to do with the death of Bruno Drieu. To reassure her, Florent promises to speak to Judge Alphand. Aurore once again underlines the urgency of the situation: if her father cannot see her, it is possible that he will end up doing something stupid.

Manu gets shot

As part of the investigation into the attempted murder of Carole Martinez, Manu (Moïse Santamaria) goes to meet an informant and asks him for information on Pilar Otaro, a Spanish woman linked to the gang of drug traffickers identified by Interpol. Her informant does not know the latter but promises to find out. At the campsite, Gary (Théo Estrela) tries to find out what happened to Carole, but Guy Bourdais (Samuel Debure), responsible for protecting her, refuses to give him any information. Gary insists, but the lieutenant goes so far as to threaten him with layoff.

At the police station, Manu receives Carole Martinez and informs her that she has been targeted by a group of drug traffickers. Carole doesn’t know why these people are interested in her, but Léoni thinks she’s hiding something. He shows her the photo of Pilar Otaro and puts pressure on her to obtain a confession, but Carole Martinez maintains her version. In tears, she claims to have no connection with any drug trafficking. For his part, Enzo (Teïlo Azaïs) brings his grandfather to the hut for a coffee and takes the opportunity to ask him questions about Verneuil. Since her father was imprisoned, Aurore has not been well. He would like to know more, but Becker (Yvon Back) summons him to stay out of it all.

At the end of the day, Carole Martinez drops by Gary’s unexpectedly. She hasn’t had a very good day and needs to clear her mind. Gary agrees to make her some tea, but Carole falls asleep on the couch before he even has time to serve it to her. On the advice of his informant, Manu goes to a bar and questions the owner about Pilar Otaro. The latter claims never to have seen the young woman, but Manu is not discouraged and decides to wait. Later, the so-called Pilar Otaro enters the bar but flees when she sees a policeman waiting for her. Manu chases her, but the young woman pulls out a gun and shoots her several times. While Manu hides behind a car to avoid the bullets, she flees.

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