Such a great sun (spoilers): Myriam finally decides on the fate of Gary

On March 7 in Un si grand soleil, Yasmine is forced to find another hiding place for Kim Lelong, while Myriam finally decides on the fate of Gary after his serious fault.

In the episode ofsuch a big sun Monday, March 7, Lucille (Alicia Dadoun) published an article on the scam suffered by L Cosmétiques. Upon discovering it, Maryline (Élisabeth Margoni) asks Bilal (Malik Elakehal) if her son has anything to do with this story. Embarrassed, the latter ends up explaining the situation to him. Marilyne is overwhelmed and is afraid that Gary (Alban Aumard) will be fired. This is what Elisabeth (Chrystelle Labaude) wants. This article puts L Cosmetics in a deplorable position with regard to the bank and their suppliers – who have already started to come forward. The consequences will be dramatic. She therefore advises Myriam (Pauline Paolini) to obtain a right of reply before the company’s reputation is ruined. Above all, she must fire Gary. Miriam is aware of this. If she still refuses to file a complaint against him, she knows that she will have to tell him the terrible news.

Gary isn’t thrilled either after reading Lucille’s article. He laments that she didn’t call him so he could recontextualize the story. But Enric (Julien Masdoua) cuts the conversation short: he screwed up, there’s nothing more to say. It was then that Myriam summoned her sales manager to tell him his dismissal for serious misconduct with immediate termination of his contract. The publication of the article hastened his downfall. The affair being public, it is impossible to catch up. Realizing that he will therefore not have the slightest compensation and that it will be difficult for him to find a job, Gary reminds her that without him, she would not be in this company. Even if she feels guilty, the general manager had no other choiceand he’s not doing so badly because she could have sued him.

Yasmine wins against the demands of Kim Lelong

Margot (Clara Botte) stayed to sleep with Cécile (Marie-Gaëlle Cals). But before leaving, she tickles Christophe (Hubert Benhamdine) in front of his sister, noting his beauty. What annoy the main interested party, who deplores to Cécile that her sister appreciates her a little too much. The judge then explains to her that it is a game. That Margot has always tended to flirt with her boyfriends. What drove Cécile crazy when they were younger, but what amuses her today. Christophe remains perplexed. For her part, Yasmine (Soria Moufakkir) is angry with Anissa (Siham Falhoune) for having revealed their situation to Florent (Fabrice Deville). She feels that this plan to free her from Erwan’s grip is far too dangerous and wants her daughter to ask Florent to cancel everything. She does not want anything to happen to Driss (Aïmen Derriachi). Gérald (Christophe Favre) thinks the opposite and thatAnissa did well to act this way, since Yasmine takes more and more risks. He wants to return to a normal life with his partner.

And for good reason, in the morning, Yasmine received a phone call from Moreau, demanding thatshe immediately finds a new hideout in Kim Lelong, since she was spotted. Gérald offers his companion to install the fugitive in his room. If Yasmine accepts, she refuses on the other hand that her darling accompanies her, for fear that Moreau and his gang will make her pay. Once in Gérald’s studio, Kim is choosy, complaining about the place and refusing to sleep there. Corn Yasmine does not allow herself to be stepped on. She replies that if she had held checks previously, she would not be here. But it’s only a matter of a few days, until she finds another place. Case to follow in such a big sun


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© © Fabien MALOT/FTV

2/12 –

Elisabeth believes that this puts them in a deplorable position at the level of the bank and their suppliers and therefore advises Myriam to fire Gary

© © Fabien MALOT – FTV

3/12 –

If she still refuses to file a complaint against Gary, Myriam knows that she will have to tell him the terrible news.

© © Cécile MELLA – FTV

4/12 –

Gary and Miriam
Myriam summons Gary to announce her dismissal for serious misconduct with immediate termination of her contract

© © Cécile MELLA – FTV

5/12 –

Realizing that he will therefore not have the slightest compensation and that it will be difficult for him to find a job, Gary reminds Myriam that without him, she would not be in this company.

© © Cécile MELLA – FTV

6/12 –

Even if she feels guilty, Myriam had no other choice, and he is not doing so badly because she could have lodged a complaint against him.

© © Cécile MELLA – FTV

7/12 –

Yasmine received a phone call from Moreau, demanding that she immediately find a new hideout for Kim Lelong, since she was spotted

© © Cécile MELLA – FTV

8/12 –

Yasmine and Gerald
Gérald offers his companion to install the fugitive in his room, which Yasmine accepts

© © Cécile MELLA – FTV

9/12 –

Once in Gérald’s studio, Kim is choosy, complaining about the place and refusing to sleep there, but Yasmine doesn’t let herself be pushed around.

© © Cécile MELLA – FTV

10/12 –

Yasmine is angry with Anissa for revealing their situation to Florent

© © Cécile MELLA – FTV

11/12 –

Yasmine feels that this plan to free her from Erwan’s grip is far too dangerous and wants Anissa to ask Florent to cancel everything.

© © Cécile MELLA – FTV

12/12 –

Yasmine and Gerald
Gérald thinks that Anissa did well to act like this, since Yasmine is taking more and more risks, while he wants to return to a normal life.

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