Sudden Repulsion Syndrome: The sudden disgust for the partner

Has that happened to you before? You were totally into a guy – but suddenly, out of the blue, did you find him repulsive? That's behind it.

Oh, it couldn't be nicer. The first date with Max was terrific. The guy is awesome! Well built, attentive – and his favorite hobby is cooking. Jackpot, you might believe now, and everything is perfect at the beginning. You admire Max's six-pack every day, and he's basically made it his business to bring breakfast to bed on Sundays – with homemade jam! Who wouldn't be on cloud nine?

But at some point the day will come when everything will change. That is THE day when Max starts to blow his nose loudly. Hay fever time – oh dear! And with loud is not just loud, it means elephant-like. A snort concert of the worst kind. The romantic? Is there!

The six-pack, breakfast, homemade jam, it doesn't matter. Because you can no longer ignore it, even if you try hardest. The snort, it's everywhere. Even when he's not blowing his nose. Magic Max? That used to be. Because what you feel for him is no longer tingling in your stomach, lust and being in love, but pure disgust. Pretty tough, but unfortunately it was.

What the fuck is going on

The phenomenon that you suddenly find your crush or partner disgusting is called "Sudden Repulsion Syndrome" ("Sudden Repulsion Syndrome"). The disgust is usually triggered by something completely irrelevant such as smacking noises, biting your fingernails, crooked toes or loud blowing your nose. Each of us would immediately say: This is not a reason for separation. But many women have already experienced the sudden change in feelings – and in fact, separations are not uncommon in this case.

It is not known exactly where the Sudden Repulsion Syndrome comes from. Whether it is to protect us intuitively from a wrong partner or whether the hormones are going crazy – there are still no scientific studies on it. In any case, it is often the case that we do not even notice flaws in the partner at first. Then later, all of a sudden, the rose-colored glasses break – and the man is completely different.

And what can you do about it?

Of course, you cannot help yourself with your disgust. You can try to get your attention to something else – but it's pretty hard. And change the partner? That usually doesn't work. As well as, after all, he cannot help with anatomical conditions. And to just get rid of behaviors that have been "trained" over the years is a really tough task. And once the disgust is there, it stays. In retrospect, you can't even understand how you could have been so intimate with this man.

As sad and unfair as it is: If disgust takes over, it means: "I'm sorry Max, but you and I – it just doesn't fit!"

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