Suicide of young Lucas: four of his comrades will be tried for harassment

Mélina Facchin, with AFP
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8:13 p.m., January 27, 2023

Four 13-year-old minors will be “tried for school harassment resulting in the suicide” of young Lucas, a teenager of the same age who ended his life in early January in Golbey in the Vosges, and whose death had caused great emotion. “Following the opening of the preliminary investigation, four minors were taken into custody by the urban security of the Epinal police station,” said the public prosecutor of Epinal, Frédéric Nahon, in a press release.

“During their hearings, the respondents, two girls and two boys aged 13, educated in the same establishment as Lucas, only admitted to having repeatedly made fun of their comrade”, continued the magistrate.

Harassment may have contributed to the boy’s acting out

Those close to Lucas believe that he committed suicide after being harassed because of his homosexuality. “The facts took place from September 2022 to the beginning of January 2023”, continued the prosecutor. “At the end of their police custody, the four minors were summoned before the Epinal children’s court to be tried for bullying at school which led to the suicide of the victim, the investigation having established that the harassment could have participate in the passage to the suicidal act of the young Lucas”.

“Presumed innocent, unknown to justice, the four minors will be assessed by the judicial protection of youth before their judgment”, also insisted on underlining Mr. Nahon. He also announced the opening of an “incidental investigation against X for non-denunciation of ill-treatment of minors”. “Investigations are therefore continuing on this point,” he concluded.

Mockery and homophobic insults

Lucas had written in his diary “a word explaining his desire to end his life”, Frédéric Nahon had declared at a press conference on January 13. His relatives revealed in their hearings the existence of mockery and insults of a homophobic nature of which the teenager had said he was a victim on the part of other students at his college, the magistrate had further underlined.

Lucas was educated at Louis Armand college in Golbey, where a psychological unit was set up in the days following his suicide. The rectorate had recalled that the establishment was “committed to the pHARe system for combating harassment”. According to the rectorate, the “mockery” reported by Lucas and his mother at the start of the school year had been “immediately taken seriously by the college teams”.

Strong emotion on social networks

The death of the teenager had caused great emotion and triggered many reactions on social networks. “I am thinking of all students like him who are harassed: their despair is the basis of my determination to prevent all forms of harassment,” Education Minister Pap Ndiaye said on Twitter. “No child should find suicide as the ultimate outcome,” he was moved.

“Lucas’ suicide is tragic”, also reacted on Twitter SOS Homophobia. “The fight against school bullying must be urgently strengthened. That an establishment approved by @education_gouv does not react to numerous reports is alarming”, had further estimated the LGBT + association.

Many political reactions

The death of the teenager had also provoked several political reactions. “Homophobia kills. Sadness and support for the family of Lucas”, had tweeted the Minister Delegate for Transport, Clément Beaune. “I am devastated by the death of #Lucas (…) This tragedy must be an opportunity to raise awareness. Homophobia kills”, declared the First Secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, on the same network social. “Immense sadness for Lucas (…) We have a duty to fight all forms of homophobia!”, had also tweeted the president of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti.

In October 2021, Dinah Gonthier, 14, committed suicide at her home in Kingersheim, in the Haut-Rhin, because according to her family, she was the victim of school harassment. After a first complaint dismissed by the Mulhouse prosecution, the family of the teenager filed a complaint with civil action last November.

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