“Suisse Secrets” report: Credit Suisse had controversial rulers as customers – News

  • The major bank Credit Suisse is said to have had controversial rulers and corrupt officials as customers for years.
  • This accuses an international research network of the big bank.
  • The incidents alleged against the bank are said to range from the 1940s well into the past decade.

This is reported by the research network under the title “Suisse Secrets”. The journalists involved refer to the bank’s internal data that was passed to them. Credit Suisse also made it possible for criminals and war criminals to park their wealth safely, writes the Süddeutsche Zeitung, which was involved in the research.

Credit Suisse rejects allegations

According to ARD, which was involved in the research, several family members of Kazakhstan’s ex-president Nursultan Nazarbayev were among Credit Suisse’s clients. Nazarbayev’s family is still considered extremely powerful and influential. According to ARD, the King of Jordan, Abdullah II, is also one of the big bank’s customers – even after the media reported on his “kingdom of corruption”. One of his accounts is still active.

The bank itself denies the allegations. In a statement, Credit Suisse writes that the reporting contains tendentious interpretations. The majority of the affected accounts were closed before 2015.

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