Summer heat: It is better not to set up the fan like this

summer heat
It is better not to set up the fan like this

If the fan is placed in an unfavorable location, it will have little effect.

© Studio Romantic/

Location, inclination and more: In order for the fan to have the desired effect in the summer heat, there are a few mistakes to avoid.

In midsummer, the fan is considered a real lifesaver, especially by those who live in attic apartments and the like. However, mistakes often occur when setting up the device, so that the air in the room hardly gets any cooler. It is important to note that.

Wrong location?

In order for the fan to be effective, it is important to place it in the right place. The shady side of the apartment is ideal for this, for example facing the cool inner courtyard. Since the rooms are cooler there, the fan blows fresher air into the warmer rooms. When setting up, you should avoid the sunny side, otherwise the warm air will spread throughout the apartment.

Open windows on the side?

When it is extremely hot during the day, the fan near the window has no place. The windows must also be kept closed, otherwise the warm air will get into the interior and be blown into the entire apartment by the fan. Black out the windows instead.

Wrong inclination?

While colder air tends to stay on the ground, warmer air rises. The fan can therefore usually provide better cooling if it is placed on the floor and tilted upwards. The cold air is blown upwards.

Run overnight?

If you leave your fan on in the bedroom overnight, you risk catching a cold. In addition, it whirls up dust and pollen that you breathe in at night, which is particularly felt by allergy sufferers. It is better to ventilate the room vigorously in the late evening and then run the fan near the window so that the fresh air is blown through the apartment.


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