Summer looks bright on Hearthstone with Paradise in Peril

This year, the tavern is taking on colors for summer. After L’Atelier de Mystifix which celebrated the 10th anniversary of Hearthstoneit’s time to take the vacation route, direction one Paradise in danger. It is in the Spiral Islands that we will set foot, welcomed in the Marin establishment. Enough to enjoy a tropical atmosphere without leaving home. Paying the price, as always.

Paradise in Peril release date on Hearthstone

The extension ofHearthstone is scheduled for July 23, 2024. It will be available from 7:00 p.m. that day, and pre-orders are already available. The mega-bundle this time includes a Hakkar Hound Trainer hero model, as well as a copy of a signature and golden card of a legendary, and two copies of a legendary. Because after all, it is important to give an advantage to those who spend money.

  • Dates to remember:
    • Pre-order Paradise in Peril – June 17, 2024
    • Extension release – July 23, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

Tourism, a keyword full of laziness

The only new keyword in the extension, Tourism allows all classes to play with a set other than their own. Concretely, when a card with the Tourism keyword is added to the deck during its construction, the collection of another class becomes entirely available. However, this is not at all random or map dependent. Each class has a mirror assigned to it as a base. It will therefore not be possible to have a Warlock with Shaman cards.

Refreshing breaks

For this expansion, Blizzard is offering us a well-deserved break with some refreshing drinks. These are 6 spell cards which are consumed in 3 distinct uses. Their effects do not change from one use to another, nor does their cost. Besides that, the Marin establishment allows you to discover dream destinations, places with astonishing possibilities. They offer real bonuses to those who respect certain conditions.

What are the cards Brawl in badlands ?

No less than 135 new cards are arriving for the new expansion on Hearthstone. Not all of them have yet been revealed, but this allows us to discover the new cards imagined. From today, upon first connection to the game, the card Sailor the manager is offered to players.

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