Summer preparation: In 8 steps to the holiday feeling


Pigment spots, sunburn and other disasters? It does not have to be! It takes a bit of preparation to enjoy the summer with a healthy jet complexion, good-mood colors and top form. In eight steps to a completely relaxed holiday feeling

1. Prepare the complexion

For skin, as beautiful as a sky without clouds

“Cloudless Skin” – this term really exists. It’s about a trend from Asia that describes a complexion as flawless as a cloudless sky. The trick is to recognize what the skin needs to (permanent) damage such as pigmentation not to let arise at all. “In direct sunlight, you should protect your skin with sun protection factor 30 to 50, depending on the skin type,” says the Hamburg dermatologist Dr. med. Susanne Steinkraus. Because the irregular discoloration caused by an overproduction of the skin pigment melanin in UV radiation. Luckily, existing spots can be corrected. Active ingredients such as arbutin from the mulberry, licorice root or grapevine extract split the melanin in the skin, releasing it for removal – and immediately inhibit further color production. Most effective are special serums. “These concentrates contain up to three times more active ingredients than creams, because of their light consistency, they penetrate quickly and deeply into the skin and effectively prevent hyperpigmentation,” says Steinkraus.

2. Start hair removal

With new, very gentle products

Increasing popularity is also enjoying the high-frequency light of IPL technology, with devices for home use. Wilson: “Our new development sends out 125 flashes per minute, the energy of the light pulses damages hair growth cells and hair roots, stubble does not grow any more Skin is spared. “Sensors determine the skin tone, determine the appropriate light energy and ensure that there are no flashes on liver spots.More than a tiny tweaking is not felt.Waxing the pulling can unfortunately not be turned off, but once brings teeth But a smooth six weeks’ rest together, Sugaring, the sweet variant from the beauty studio, is even suitable for women with very sensitive skin and for allergy sufferers. “Sugar molecules are so small that they can penetrate into the follicle. The hair can therefore be easily removed and does not break off, “explains Monika Matel, a hair removal expert from Senzera, and epilation becomes bearable under the shower because heat opens the pores – hair is more easily released from the roots.

3. Rub soft, smooth skin

Regular peels for more body glow

Did you know that your skin renews itself daily, stacking an average of 14 grams of discarded skin cells on the surface? Time to get rid of these fine glow-swallowers, because light can reflect better on a smooth surface. Regular body scrubs free dry skin on the upper arms and legs, boost the microcirculation and ensure that the following care can be well absorbed and fully effective. To prepare for the summer peelings may be generously massaged once or twice a week and may be a little coarser. Salt or sugar crystals scratch the skin microfine and thus start the body’s repair program for more smoothness and tenderness. Nice nourishing are scrubs with oils. And so that nothing bothers you after grease-free scrubbing, a lipid-richApply cream or lotion.

4. Feet care feet

Cream and shape (let) – Summer is running!

Feet are calculable: 26 bones, 27 joints, 20 finely tuned muscles and 114 straps make them into walking works of art that take us 8,000 steps through the area every day on average. What they can not do: Produce fat that keeps their sensitive skin in good condition. Cream, preferably daily, helps to keep the skin looking and elastic. Ingredients like urea make rough areas even softer. Even a DIY scrub out of a tablespoon of olive oil and sugar is great at bedtime. After rinsing off the peeling paste just pat dry feet, slip into thick socks and dream of the summer. And before you open the sandal season, treat yourself to a pedicure at Pro. So you lay a good base and just have to re-file regularly. So you do not carry uninvited souvenirs home, make sure instruments such as files and sanders have been carefully sterilized, and bring your own paint with you. Tip for the sensitive: New bubble sprays leave an invisible protective film of polymers that buffer the pressure when walking barefoot in shoes.

5. Paint the summer nails

Paint program with hand and foot

Holidays, freedom, candy colors: Pink, ice blue, creamy white and bright orange shine on the nails now . The mix of red and yellow gives a warm nuance that radiates joy, exuberance and energy. Orange is next to “Living Coral”, the trend of 2019, the hottest color of the season. Styling tip: Orange looks great with jeans and white shirts. The best way to keep the paint on a polished surface. Before painting, shake the vial thoroughly to distribute the pigments evenly. Wide and fan-shaped nails can be optically straightened by the paint, if the sides remain free. Important for bright colors: Longitudinal grooves must first be leveled with a special nail filler, otherwise there will be streaks and the paint will splinter off more quickly.

6. Smile at the sun

With a particularly fresh look on the lips

You like to wear lipstick often? You’re not alone with that. 3.77 million women in Germany love a colorful mouth. With a healthy, fresh and very sensual look, this summer you are at the forefront. With transparent colors, pure as tinted lipbalm. The delicate skin does that well. Since lips have hardly any sebaceous and sweat glands, but extremely many temperature and tactile receptors, we can feel everything clearly on the lips. For example when the skin is tense because it is dry. A scrub makes it supple, removes loose scales and stimulates blood circulation. Then fat from Lipbalm binds the natural moisture. Tip: If the sun shines, apply a UV protection here as well. Because lips do not form a protective melanin. By the way: kissing is not only desired in the summer, because it promotes the blood circulation!

7. Beauty snaps

Tight with the best mix of drinks and superfood

About 32.8 percent of women are convinced: beauty comes from within. But how does she get there? For we like to forget the simplest trick: drink at least two liters of water or unsweetened tea (about 10 glasses) throughout the day. So we feel fit, the skin stays clean and retains its elasticity. Speaking of: sun weakens the elastic fibers. Drinking ampoules with collagen can strengthen them from the inside. Also the trend vegetable kale acts like an inner beauty protector. The superfood of the north provides antioxidant plant matter, calcium, iron, vitamin K and C. Drunk as a smoothie, leaves a natural mix of kale and sea buckthorn the concentration of carotenoids, our own skin radiation, measurably increase after 14 days, studies of the Charité in Berlin.

8. Finally do sports

And demonstrably stop the aging process

Sport reduces stress, gives a rosy complexion and prolongs telomeres. These end caps of the chromosomes are a marker for cell aging. Unfortunately, they shorten with each cell division. The longer we live, the smaller the end caps. How do we manage to extend it? Latest knowledge: The solution lies in endurance sports and interval training. Both stimulate the body to resume the extension job. Prof. Ulrich Laufs from the University of Leipzig found this in a study of 266 subjects around the age of 50: “Telomere length increased by two to three times through targeted training of three times 45 minutes per week.” But of course that’s not the only reason for a youthful charisma. Is it about sports? Equipment training or muscle building with your own body weight like Pilates ensure firm arms, legs and a firm butt. And by the way, the annoying winter kilos disappear through the excited fat burning.