Summer sales 2024 – Find the best offers starting tomorrow at 8 a.m.

The 2024 summer sales will last four weeks, from Wednesday June 26 to Tuesday July 23. Although numerous commercial operations now punctuate the year (Black Friday, French Days, Prime Day, etc.), sales remain eagerly awaited by French consumers. This period of official reductions offers consumers the opportunity to make purchases at more advantageous prices, which is particularly appreciated in these times of general price increases.

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Faithful to its tradition, the team of Digital has mobilized to support you during this sales period. Our faithful Rick (our in-house algorithm) has carefully analyzed the offers offered by the main e-commerce sites (Amazon, Fnac, Darty, Boulanger, RueduCommerce, Cdiscount…) to find real good deals in the high-end areas. tech and household appliances.

Our selection covers a wide range of products: televisions, cameras, speakers, storage solutions, laptops, printers, headphones, tablets, voice assistants, vacuum cleaners, robot cookers, connected watches, game consoles, and much more. still others.

So, to not miss the best deals, go tomorrow at 8 a.m. sharp to the article dedicated to the event.

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