Sunglasses in the car: If you do this, you pay 25 euros

Sunglasses in the car
Anyone who does this pays 25 euros

In general, it is of course allowed to wear sunglasses in the car. In the video we tell you the specific guidelines and regulations when driving.

Wearing sunglasses while driving is very practical and of course generally allowed. However, there are specific guidelines and regulations for this. A violation can even result in a fine – as the video shows.

The sun can sometimes be quite blinding when we are driving and we have to squint our eyes. Luckily there is a very simple solution: sunglasses. They help us to maintain our field of vision even in bright and glaring light. Very practical, but the glasses must also be suitable for driving and, for example, guarantee unrestricted vision. If used incorrectly, you risk a fine.

Driving with sunglasses can result in fines

There are specific guidelines and regulations that all drivers must adhere to. In the video we tell you the criteria for suitable sunglasses and explain what penalties could otherwise apply.

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