Sunglasses: The trend models for summer 2022

Modern, unusual or timeless
These sunglasses are very popular in 2022

Big, bigger, XXL sunglasses: You can see which models are particularly popular this summer in the video.


Of course, summer hasn’t really started yet this year. But the sun is showing itself more and more often: It’s time for sunglasses!

Sunglasses are not just sunglasses; tastes differ on different models, glasses and colours. After all, maybe not everyone has a face with glasses and can exchange these accessories as the mood takes them. It’s a good thing that five different models are popular this summer!

Sunglasses: These are the trend models for summer 2022

Sunglasses not only protect your eyes from UV rays, they also look pretty good. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer to wear larger, smaller or timeless models: This summer you can hardly go wrong. In the video you can see which glasses you should still pay attention to the color or material.

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