Sunglasses: What to consider when buying

What to consider when buying

Influencer Caro Daur relies on an angular model.

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Depending on the shape of the face, “the sunglasses do something for us” – or not. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right model.

It belongs to us like the handbag! The sunglasses are the perfect accessory to create a stylish look. But not every shape suits every face. For the right wearing comfort, we use an old football wisdom of all things: the round has to go into the square! But it also works the other way around.

For square faces

As already mentioned, the round has to go into the square! Aviators and cat-eye shapes are therefore ideal for square faces. The latter are particularly in demand in 2022 as XS sunglasses with a futuristic shape and side cut-outs. They bring more femininity to the rather masculine features. The reason for this is the long and relatively narrow face shape, which is complemented by an angular chin. Rimless glasses can counteract this and loosen up the severe facial features.

For round faces

If you have a rather round face, you should not buy glasses with oval lenses. Angular models are much more advantageous. These form a nice contrast to the soft chin area, stretch and make us appear narrower. Teardrop-shaped lenses like the aviator also fit well here, as do square models and brow lines with a solid, wide horizontal line. The narrow, rectangular glasses from the 90s are also making a comeback. Influencer Caro Daur is in any case a fan, as you can see on Instagram.

For oval faces

With oval faces, the facial bones are slightly rounded, the transition from cheek to chin is smooth: the “oval type” can be happy because his face is an all-rounder. Angular, drop-shaped, round or extremely narrow – whatever you like is allowed. While oval sunglasses create softer contours, square models set accents and emphasize the cheekbones, for example. Depending on the situation, fashionistas can wear cat-eye, aviator, retro and glasses with or without frames!

For heart-shaped faces

Typical of a heart-shaped face is a high forehead, pronounced cheekbones and a pointed lower jaw. This goes best with sunglasses with round lenses. It creates an optical balance between the chin and forehead. Brow-line glasses are not recommended as they focus on the broad forehead.


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