Superman: Zack Snyder back with Henry Cavill?

The return of Henry Cavill in Superman being formalized, will Zack Snyder also return to film the actor in Man of Steel, or give a sequel to his “Justice League”? According to the principal concerned, it is not on the agenda.

The last time we saw Henry Cavill as Superman was in 2021, in the extended version of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, which fans had been hoping for for several years frustrated by the edit released in theaters four years earlier.

A (very) feature film faithful to the original vision of its director and which, for many, marked the actor’s farewell to the role that made him take off, even if there was hope until he officially hung up the cape. Rightly so, since the actor is indeed back, following his appearance in Black Adam.

A month after the announcement, which did not fail to shake the Web, two questions still arise: in which DC films will we see Henry Cavill’s Superman again? Will Zack Snyder be back behind the camera, for a sequel to Man of Steel and/or Justice League?

Guest of Preston and Steve Showthe director recently answered the second of these questions: “As far as I know, which is very little, I do my thing [Rebel Moon, attendu sur Netflix, ndlr] and no one called me or anything”he explains when asked if the new management of DC Studios, overseen by James Gunn and Peter Safran, contacted him.

“So I wish them the best and hope they make some cool movies.” While he had welcomed the return of Henry Cavill in a video where he said he was looking forward to working with him again, these recent statements are likely to dampen the enthusiasm of many fans, even if the door is not closed yet. for those who must first complete their ambitious space opera Rebel Moon.

But everything currently suggests that the sequel to Man of Steel, if it sees the light of day, will be done without him. And it is not yet said that the second part of his Justice League will be done, despite the tracks put forward at the time of the release of his Snyder Cut. Things could still change, however, as James Gunn also spoke about the start of the ten-year plans he is to establish with Peter Safran.

And which may involve Zack Snyder, for whom James Gunn co-wrote the Army of the Dead screenplay. The potential is there and the possibilities are numerous. It remains to be seen how this will all fit together. And with who.

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