Survey shows: This conflict most often separates couples

Opinion poll
This is the conflict that most often separates couples — and it’s not money

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“Therefore, examine whoever binds forever!” We all know this saying, and yet many couples get divorced. This survey shows that the hotly debated topic of money is not the main reason.

The wedding is one of the most beautiful days in life. From now on, a common phase of life begins, which – as life goes – mostly from many heightsbut also depths is embossed. If the lows prevail in a relationship, in most cases there is only one consequence: divorce. But from which ones? Found leave most couples divorce? This Survey has shown: The much-discussed topic of money is fixed not at the top on the list.

According to the survey: This conflict causes a break in the relationship

When it comes to divorce, one probably thinks first affairs and financial disagreements. Even if these reasons rank high in a survey of the most common reasons for divorce, the front runner is more likely interpersonal nature.

According to Opinion poll by Forbes Magazine is the number one reason for divorce lack of family support. Especially when the marriage ended within the first year, more than half of those surveyed stated that the most common reason for divorce was the inability to reconcile both lives. The respective spouses have such different ideas about family or professional life, for example, that they not on a common denominator come and the marriage is annulled as a consequence.

Emotional component plays a role

After the incompatibility follow infidelity or extramarital affairs. Also in Germany This factor is often cited as a reason for separation. discontent or lack of feelings are not exactly conducive to a good relationship. The biggest conflicts that couples are confronted with in the Forbes survey are also lack of intimacy, constant arguments or financial stress.

In addition to the reasons that lead to a final termination of the marriage, there are also warning signs that can point to a divorce or crisis. signs like disinterest on the person noreal problem solving or one in general poor communication should be interpreted as warning signals. Another point that is all too often overlooked is the fact that marriage is like a relationship reciprocity based. This means that the bond between two people is based on a balanced and mutual “give and take” and that both sides should invest equal amounts of energy in the relationship.

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