Susan Sideropoulos: That's why she feels good in her body today

Susan Sideropoulos has revealed that she wanted to get her body in shape for ten years through diet. Not anymore.

The former "GZSZ" actress Susan Sideropoulos (39) revealed in an interview with the "Bild" newspaper that she had tormented her body with various diets for ten years: "In my 'GZSZ' times, I did some diets – and then I weighed more than now. " Those few extra pounds would have tormented her for years. "And when I got rid of them, they were right back because diets are just nonsense," the actress knows better today.

In the ten years in which she has been on TV non-stop, the pressure has been high. "Because television makes you fat. And of course I also wanted to look slim on television. My role in 'GZSZ', Verena, still likes to skip through the picture with light clothes," explains the actress, who played the role from 2001 to 2011 held. She tried various slimming cures: "I left out carbohydrates, didn't eat anything after 6 pm, or only half of it. I also only drank shakes for a week." But that is not a permanent condition and you no longer have a healthy relationship with food.

What is your body secret today?

She quickly lost weight through breastfeeding and the stress of the baby, "says the mother of two." And whoosh, after three months with the first child, I was thinner than I ever was. "Today she eats intuitively and unconsciously follows an interval- Fasting. She also does exercise once or twice a week. "But without pressure. And after doing sport, I eat better at the same time. That is then an automatism. "
