Suspicions of listeriosis: Franprix, Auchan, Leclerc… Here are the cheeses that could be contaminated

Cheeses sold in major stores are targeted by a recall launched on Tuesday for a potential danger of contamination with listeriosis.

The government’s Rappel conso site has published the list of potentially dangerous cheeses. The products are being recalled for “listeria monocytogenes”, the cause of listeriosis.

Are concerned: the Coulommiers raw milk 350g from Franprix, marketed by the eponymous brand between March 22 and April 4. The affected products have barcode 3263859343712 in lot 250222LI9.

The second reference is Normanville raw milk cheese, sold by Auchan, Leclerc, Cora, Système U and Schiever between March 17 and April 4. Products have barcode 3252950011002 in lot 250222LI9.

The third call on cheese concerns E.Graindorge’s raw milk Brie 1kg. It was marketed between March 15 and April 4 by Auchan, Leclerc, Casino, Cora and System U. The articles concerned bear the barcode 3252950000877 in lot 250222LI9.

Rare but dangerous infection

Finally, the last product is the Coulommiers “on straw with raw milk” from the same brand, E.Graindorge. It was marketed between March 10 and April 4 in Auchan, Casino, Leclerc, Carrefour, Système U and Intermarché stores. The barcode is 3252950010012 from lot 250222LI9.

In case of consumption, customers are advised to contact a doctor. Products can also be refunded until April 19.

Listeria is a bacterium that causes a rare but very dangerous food infection. It can reach the brain by making certain infected cells resistant to the immune system.

A few hundred cases are detected each year in France. Once declared, it is particularly deadly: about a quarter of patients die.

Among the complications that can cause these deaths is neurolisteriosis, that is to say a neurological attack caused by the passage of the bacterium in the central nervous system, which includes the brain and the spinal cord.

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