Swiss Art & Design Awards 2023 – BAK presents Swiss Art and Design Awards 2023 – Culture

Swiss Art & Design Awards 2023 – BAK presents Swiss Art and Design Awards 2023 – Culture – SRF

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Excellent photography by Laurence Kubski. He is one of the winners of the Swiss Design Prize.

© Laurence Kubski


Prizes for 28 artists: The Swiss Art & Design Awards are among the most important in the industry.

Just in time for the opening of Art Basel, the Federal Office of Culture (FOC) is awarding this year’s Swiss art and design prizes. The federal government awards a total of 11 Swiss art prizes and 17 Swiss design prizes. They are each endowed with CHF 25,000.

On Monday, June 12th, the Swiss Art Awards will be presented in the presence of Federal Councilor Alain Berset, followed by the Swiss Design Awards on June 13th.

The works of the award winners can be seen from 13 to 18 June at the Swiss Art Awards 2023 and Swiss Design Awards 2023 exhibitions in Hall 1.1 of the Basel Exhibition Centre.

Unframed paintings hang on a white wall


The artist Giulia Essyad, who works in Geneva, was also awarded one of the Swiss Art Prizes 2023. Her installation combines decorative elements of a restaurant with allusions to a temple.

BAK/Gina Folly, 2023

The well-known winners of the Swiss Grand Prix Art / Prix Meret Oppenheim and the Swiss Grand Prix Design will also be in the limelight. They will also receive their awards on June 12th and 13th.

Swiss Art & Design Awards

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The art and design prizes are among the oldest art competitions in the world: the Swiss Art Awards have been presented since 1899, the Swiss Grand Prix Kunst / Prix Meret Oppenheim since 2001.

The Swiss design competition has existed since 1917. The Swiss Grand Prix Design has been awarded since 2007. According to the BAK, the awards are a reference for professional cultural workers, they are a networking and exchange platform and also provide an overview of current art and design work in Switzerland.

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