Sylvie Tellier cannon for the start of the school year: her so chic look to accompany her children to school


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Sylvie Tellier is sublime on Instagram in a trendy satin skirt to accompany her children to school for the start of the school year.

Sylvie Tellier has just announced her departure from the general management of the Miss France committee on Instagram. She will be replaced by Cindy Fabre, another former beauty queen who marked the Miss France family. After 17 years as general manager, this announcement moved Miss France 2002 a lot. She spoke on her Instagram account with a strong but trembling voice and she confided in TV magazine on the subject: “It’s a major life change for me after seventeen years of involvement in the competition.“The beauty queen also says she is eager to start new projects.

In parallel with this announcement, Sylvie Tellier continues to share her daily life with her fans on her Instagram account. In a photo, she poses with her three children (who are from behind): “A turned upside down but a motivated return!! Good luck to all and thank you for all your messages of sympathy”, she wrote in the caption. A lovely message. It was Sylvie Tellier’s very elegant outfit that caught our attention. She is sublime.

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Sylvie Tellier adopts the satin skirt, the trendy fashion piece of the season

Satin is a material that is popular in both summer and winter. Sylvie Tellier fell for this trend by adopting the short black satin skirt. Miss France 2002 wears it with a flowing white shirt tucked in, which adds a chic touch to her outfit. But the real highlight of her outfit is her pair of shoes. The star opted for a pair of black pointed toe pumps with a buckle at the ankle. She is simply radiant with a trendy brushing and a luminous blonde. Her children are also very elegant for their first day of school. Oscar, the tallest, wears very trendy Nikes, Margaux sports an adorable dress and Roméo has a flashy orange satchel.

Maude Sebaihi

Maude deciphers all the new fashion trends. She takes pleasure in selecting the new nuggets to get, all with a very benevolent look, because in fashion: it …

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