Tag: destiny
Sony buys Bungie, studio behind Destiny
[ad_1] Just days after the formalization of the takeover of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft, Sony announces the acquisition of Bungie. This is the studio behind Destiny. Sony ended up responding,…
Sony Interactive Entertainment to Acquire Bungie (Destiny)
[ad_1] There are news for which we do not expect it at all. So Sony will buy Bungie. Yes, you read that right. It just fell. Explanations. The very well…
Bungie: Sony buys the studio behind Destiny and Halo
While the players are still cashing in on the news of the takeover ofActivision-Blizzard through Microsoft, sony counter-attack and announces today the acquisition of Bungie. Yes, the studio famous for…
Damaging Destiny – Merciless | krone.at
Comments Log in to join the discussion logged in as Not the right user? logout Welcome to our community! Incoming contributions will be checked and then published. Please ensure you…
Destiny 2: Light levels explained for The Witch Queen expansion
[ad_1] Since destiny First of all, players are used to paying attention to the light level of a weapon, equipment, activity or even their own character. Indeed, by combining and…
Here it all begins: Claire’s betrayal that will change Louis’s destiny
[ad_1] In the next episodes of “Here it all begins”, Claire will once again betray her son. A choice that will not be without consequences and that promises many twists…
A first detailed look at the world of Destiny 2: The Witch Queen
[ad_1] Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, expansion, DLC, Season 16, Year 5, The Witch Queen, Bungie, trailer, video, gameplay, Savathûn Bungie is unveiling a detailed video of the world of…
In New Caledonia, a flag but no “common destiny” yet
In the town of Mont-Dore, on December 1, 2021, on the occasion of the commemoration of the first rise of the independence flag, on December 1, 1984. DELPHINE MAYEUR /…
In Afghanistan, “our destiny is war, always war”
A new attack, this time against a hospital in Kabul, calls into question the Taliban’s promises to ensure security after long years of chaos.source site
In Quebec, poutine dreams of a global destiny
Poutine, a traditional Quebec dish based on fries, cheddar cheese and gravy, in Montreal, in 2007. DAVID BOILY / AFP LETTER FROM MONTREAL There are culinary “treasures” that are believed…
“From Tunisia to Syria, we share a common destiny”
Tunisian director Kaouther Ben Hania in Paris, January 15, 2021. JOEL SAGET / AFP To join the one he loves in Europe, a Syrian refugee agrees to have a Schengen…