Tag: entertainment
“The Deceived” and “The Drowning”: British series entertainment in a double pack
“The Deceived” and “The Drowning” British series entertainment in a double pack At the center of “The Drowning” (left) and “The Deceived” are two women who are investigating a secret.…
“Who is stealing the show from me?”: Pastewka provides television entertainment with style
“Who is stealing the show from me?” Pastewka ensures television entertainment with style Will Bastian Pastewka keep his show? © ProSieben / Max Beutler On Tuesday, the audience at “Who…
At the Annecy festival, entertainment on the paths of committed storytelling
“My Afghan Family”, by Michaela Pavlatova, feature film in competition. NEGATIV SRO, SACREBLEU PRODUCTIONS “I would like to thank my producers, because they were very courageous: it would have been…
when horror turns to family entertainment
Evelyn Abbott (played by Emily Blunt) in “Without a Noise 2”, by John Krasinski. JONNY COURNOYER THE OPINION OF THE “WORLD” – WHY NOT After a first episode which was…
Reddit is targeting AMC Entertainment
The ailing cinema operator AMC Entertainment has become a target for Wallstreetbets. Is GameStop history repeating itself? After the spectacular pump of the Gamestop share a few months ago, the…
Entertainment: European Song Contest goes to Rea Garvey
A4492 / _Axel Heimken Irish singer Rea Garvey won the “Free European Song Contest”. (Archive image) Among other things, Garvey from Germany, Austria and Switzerland received the highest rating of…
extension of aid for intermittent entertainment workers
Artists and technicians from the cultural sector during a demonstration to denounce the insufficient aid from the government, in November 2020, at the Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux. PHILIPPE LOPEZ /…
Tigerbox CEO Martin Kurzhals: “50 percent of children’s entertainment is pointless”
Tigerbox CEO Martin Kurzhals “50 percent of children’s entertainment is pointless” Children’s entertainment in 2021 © New Africa / Shutterstock With his company Tigermedia, Martin Kurzhals wants to revolutionize entertainment…
Unorthodox to WandaVision: These nine mini-series offer huge entertainment
Unorthodox to WandaVision These nine mini-series offer huge entertainment "Unorthodox" star Shira Haas (r.) Is nominated for a Golden Globe. © Anika Molnar / Netflix Miniseries have blossomed into the…
Test run in France: Netflix tries linear television
The streaming service Netflix is inspired by classic television. Without having to decide on a film or a series, the customers of the US company should in future be showered…
FameMaker: New ProSieben show provides entertainment
Germany has a new casting show, produced by Stefan Raab. How often has the jury in "FameMaker" misheard? So the prelude went. ProSieben is the broadcaster in Germany that brought…