Tag: Meis
Sylvie Meis as a comedian: Here she imitates "Cindy from Marzahn"
You know that Sylvie Meis likes to laugh – but that she also has a comedic talent, she is currently regularly proving with new "Tik-Tok" videos. Especially Cindy from Marzahn,…
Sylvie Meis: does she have to cancel her wedding because of the corona crisis?
In summer Sylvie Meis (41) and her fiancé Niclas Castello (41) want to say yes. In early January 2020, the 41-year-old told the gala magazine details about her upcoming wedding.…
Barbara Meier: Stars wie Sylvie Meis gratulieren zur Schwangerschaft
Ob ehemalige “GNTM”-Kolleginnen, “Let’s Dance”-Wegbegleiter oder einfach nur begeisterte Promi-Bekanntschaften: Der Instagram-Account von Model Barbara Meier (33) wird derzeit von stargespickten Glückwünschen überhäuft. Genauer gesagt der Kommentarbereich zu ihrem pfiffigen…
Semper Opera Ball: Sylvie Meis is the eye-catcher on the red carpet
Despite many celebrity cancellations, at least one star shone at the Semper Opera Ball on Friday evening: Sylvie Meis (41) was the eye-catcher on the red carpet in her glamorous…