Tailor-made detox: what should I do if I am taking medication? : Current Woman The MAG

Hypertension, depression, cardiovascular disease … like many French people, you may be undergoing treatment linked to a chronic illness or a long-term health problem. How to undertake a detox when you take medication every day?

Why do a detox when following a drug treatment?

In this case, the goal is simple: It is to protect the organism and help it in its effort to eliminate chemical molecules. However, there is no question of stopping treatment without the advice of your doctor.

The right strategy: concentrate the detox on the liver-kidney couple. Most drugs are metabolized by the liver, but some are deleterious (hepatotoxic). Those which are toxic to the kidney (nephrotoxic) are rarer, but can lead to kidney failure, especially above 70 years.

Detox: the program adapted to taking medication

Black radish and artichoke are the basic versatile formula for detoxifying drugs (think about it in case of the pill or hormone replacement therapy). On the other hand, as soon as blood tests indicate liver damage, it is necessary to switch to a more protective formula with the trio of desmodium / milk thistle / black radish. Ask a pharmacist specializing in herbal medicine for an officinal preparation for a personalized treatment in fluid extracts or phytostandard tablets.

Advice from Dr Éric Lorrain, author of Great herbal medicine manual (Éditions Dunod): Renal failure gives few clinical signs. For those who take a lot of medication (more than 4 a day), add orthosiphon or dandelion, which protects the kidneys and improves their functioning.

Read also :

⋙ Detox: the best natural tips to eliminate toxins from your body

⋙ Self-medication: 5 tips to treat yourself without risks

⋙ Hepato-detox method: how to lose weight by taking care of your liver