Take care of your butt! I discovered a “fessialist”

Domed, muscular, shapely buttocks… with the approach of spring and for the preparation of the famous “summer body” (outdated we can reassure you and that’s good), you may be one of those who came out on leggings and sneakers to get you back into sport, keep watching (if not practicing) squat exercises and other gluteal abs on Instagram. Focus on Insaf Aouadi’s global method to reconcile with his body.

Under the influence of reality TV, Kim Kardashian and the famous bootyful made in Rio de Janeiro, the fleshy part of our body is revealed. Argument of feminine seduction, buttocks also cause us misery: small buttons unsightly, gluteal fold who makes the face, and at the menopause, the famous saddlebags because under the influence of our hormones, we tend to store winter squeegees in the stomach, love handles and upper thighs. A good reason to hide it? Nay…

Not only is it completely natural, but above all, let’s remember that the photos of buttocks that we see on the glossy pages of magazines are for the most part retouched… or belong to young women barely 20 years old. years who devote several sessions a week to sculpt their silhouette.

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How to have beautiful buttocks? No miracle but the combination of several methods…

When you’re a “normal” woman, and you want to be good in his bodyin her bathing suit and perhaps also in her slim fit jeansu’on really want to come out of the closet after several years of fashion purgatory (but without giving up aperitifs and other small sweet treats, no miracle the key word is… take care of yourself.

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Insaf Aouadi is “fassialist” yes the name can make you smile but it is above all super clear (freely inspired by facialists), the buttocks are his specialty. For 20 years, this body expert accompanies women, feels, massages models the buttocks of his clients. You know the lymphatic drainages, palpate them to roll. Expert in nutrition, food rebalancing, Insaf has created its global method which includes the Icoone machinethe latest generation of the famous Cellu M6.

Thanks to its double massage head, the device works the tissues without attacking them through alveolar micro-stimulation. Count 6 to 12 sessions, according to your profile, your morphology. But no miracle, Insaf defines a personalized program at the end of a review session… And a little trick, associate it with a dry brushing before the shower.

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Beautiful buttocks at any age

By stimulating the lymphatic system, it makes it easier for the body to eliminate accumulated toxins, relieves heavy legs. It rids the skin of dead cells and gives it a smoother appearance and a silkier feel. But above all he reduces orange peel skin (the famous cellulite which saddens us when it’s time to take out the shorts) and restores the skin’s radiance!

And his advice: pamper your buttocks, learn to love them!

Our practical tips

– Prefer the stairs to the elevator, preferably on tiptoe
– Walk 30 minutes a day, avoid a sedentary lifestyle
– I contract the muscles while brushing my teeth, sitting in front of my computer, on the sofa in front of my favorite series
-Practice a cardio sport: 40 min on the treadmill before a 10% incline, very gentle on the joints, ideal for those who do not exercise regularly
– Pilates or floor bar are great for working deep muscles

Fessialist Studio 69 rue Oberkampf 75011 Paris.

director of aufeminin

Journalist for 15 years, former editor and director of collections, worked for Plurielles.fr, Closer.fr, Gala.fr. Passionate about all forms of storytelling, I particularly appreciate the digital to be at the …

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